
  • 网络kantianism;Kantian;Kantism
  1. 他也反对康德主义,即辨认出建立在理性基础上的普遍伦理原则,并自上而下地应用在具体情景中。

    He also rejects Kantianism & the identification of universal ethical maxims based on reason and applied to circumstances top down .

  2. 哈耶克在其心智理论中区分了现象秩序和物理秩序,对此约翰·格雷做了康德主义的解释。

    In his theory of mind Hayek makes a differentiation between the phenomenal and the physical order , which is interpreted by John Gray as Kantianism .

  3. 20世纪初新康德主义者开始使用Axiology一词,此词与theoryofvalue有着深刻的区别。

    At the beginning of 20th century , the word axiology found its way into Neo-Kantist vocabulary , whose meaning differentiates profoundly from that of " theory of value " .

  4. 比如黑格尔、谢林、费希特和后来的新康德主义。

    For instance Hegel , Schelling , Fichte and later New Kanteism .

  5. 丑角地形学融合了巴赫金源于狂欢化诗学的丑角理论与源于新康德主义的文学空间理论。

    Topography-clown is composed of clown-theory and time-literature-theory .

  6. 新康德主义的文学价值论主要是在西南学派的李凯尔特那里形成雏形的。

    Literary axiology of Neo-Kantianism has mainly been developed into an embryonic form by Riekert .

  7. 新康德主义与新古典犯罪论体系

    Neo-Kantianism and Neo-Classic Criminal Theory System

  8. 康德主义影响下的教育学和心理学思想,是近代教育向现代教育发展的必要过渡。

    Pedagogy and psychology influenced by Kantism is the necessary make-shift of modern education toward present-day education .

  9. 马克思的哲学来源是黑格尔哲学;韦伯的哲学来源是新康德主义。

    Marx 's philosophical origin is of Hegel 's philosophy , weber 's is of New Kantism ;

  10. 学者们在谈论他的“理解社会学”时,多从新康德主义学派那里寻找其思想渊源。

    Scholars strongly incline to seek the origin of his " understanding sociology " from Neo-Kantian school .

  11. 德日刑法理论中,新古典犯罪论体系的提出深受新康德主义价值学派的影响。

    In German and Japanese criminal theory , the creation of neo-classic criminal theory system is influenced by Neo-Kantianism .

  12. 责任伦理与信念伦理:韦伯伦理思想中的康德主义

    Ethics of Conviction and Ethics of Responsibility : Kant 's thought of ethics in Max Weber 's thought of ethics

  13. 新康德主义作为一种人文科学哲学,对心理学的发展产生了重要的影响。

    As a Humanistic philosophy of science , New-Kantism has had an important influence on the development of the psychology .

  14. 目前心理学界将现象学和存在主义作为现代人本心理学的主要哲学基础,很少注意到新康德主义在其中所起的作用。

    This paper analyses the basic philosophical standpoints of the Neo-kantism and clarifies its influence no the methodology of humanist psychology .

  15. 当代西方伦理学界似乎出现了一个颇有影响的新的流派,我们权且称之为新的新康德主义。

    A new school with great influence has come into being in modern western ethics , which we call Newly New-Kantianism for the moment .

  16. 文章还指出罗尔斯并不是一个完全彻底的康德主义者,因为他并没有坚持康德的普遍性原则。

    The author also points out that Rolles is not a real Kantian because he has not adhered to Kant 's principle of universality .

  17. 哈耶克对现象秩序和物理秩序的区分&兼论格雷对哈耶克的康德主义解释的限度

    Hayek 's Differentiation between the Phenomenal and the Physical Order & With a Review of the Limitation of John Gray 's Kantian Interpretation of Hayek

  18. 《小说理论》是从康德主义到黑格尔主义的过渡性作品,其中还有浓烈的韦伯类型学色彩。

    《 the theory of the novel 》 are from Kant and Hegel and to the transitional work , one of Weber have strong color typology .

  19. 文化哲学的自觉是现代哲学发展过程中的一个重要转向,在这个转向过程中,新康德主义占有重要的地位和作用。

    Therefore , the consciousness of cultural philosophy is an important transition of the modern philosophy development , in which Neo-Kantianism has played a great role .

  20. 受到新康德主义、马赫主义、维也纳学派、边际效用学派等思潮的冲击,奥地利马克思主义者试图对马克思主义的社会科学进行重新解释和扩展。

    Affected by neo-Kantian , Machism , the Vienna Circle , and the Marginal utility school , Austrian Marxist attempted to re-interpretation and re-expansion of Marxist social science .

  21. 自新康德主义以来,这两者或是借形式规定性或是借自然主义仅仅达到了虚假的统一。

    Since the appearance of new Kantism , the two can only achieve a false unity either by taking the form of definitive property or the form of naturalism .

  22. 认识论本身包含着矛盾,这一矛盾成为整个近代哲学、新康德主义直至胡塞尔现象学努力求解的目标。

    There was a contradiction in epistemology and it became the objective which the whole Modern time philosophy , Neo Kantianism and Husserl 's Phenomenology tried their best to overcome .

  23. 韦伯是一名新康德主义社会学家,他的主要思想观点正式在理性主义不断衰微而非理性主义兴起的时候形成的。

    The Weber is a new Conde principle sociologist , his main idea viewpoint in the rationalism is on the decline unceasingly officially , but the non-rationalism emerges time forms .

  24. 罗斯在他的《正当与善》中提出了一种新的理论,试图调和功利主义和康德主义。

    Ross ( 1877-1940 ) presented an ethical theory in his book The Right and the Good that can be seen as an attempt to incorporate aspects of utilitarianism and aspects of Kantianism .

  25. 英国学派以理性主义为基底,综合了霍布斯主义、格劳秀斯主义和康德主义三种国际关系思想传统,创立了独特的国际社会观。

    The English school , which takes rationalism as a base , synthesizes the three international relations ideology traditions of hobbes , Grotius and kant , to create a special theory of the international society .

  26. 为柏拉图主义、康德主义和功利主义所代表的西方传统伦理理性主义的困境使得道德合理性问题在当代西方伦理学中突显出来。这个问题已经成为伦理学家们关注的一个中心问题。

    The dilemma of the traditional ethical rationalism characterized by Platonism , Kantism and utilitarianism increasingly confronts contemporary western ethics with the problem of moral rationality , which has become the focus of modern moralists ' attention .

  27. 在近现代西方法学史上,新康德主义法学流派虽不占主导性地位,但是却写下了浓墨重彩的一笔,成为我们对法学进行反思的丰富的智识之源。

    In modern Western legal history , neo-Kantian schools of jurisprudence have not occupied a dominant position , but they have a profound impact , as well as providing the rich source of intellectual for us to reflect .

  28. 通过对当代日本法哲学中的新康德主义法哲学、马克思主义法哲学和法社会学思潮源流的考察,可以揭示出当代日本法哲学三大流派的渊源和相互关系。

    The study of the sources of ideological trends in Neo-Kantian Philosophy of law , Marxist Philosophy of Law and legal sociology of Japan 's contemporary legal philosophy , will disclose the origins of Japan 's contemporary legal philosophy and the relations among them .

  29. 内部主义实在论从其理论渊源来说,远者可追溯到康德主义,近者受培斯基、戴维森、古德曼等人的影响较大,更直接的乃来自于对传统形而上学实在论的反判。

    The internal realism 's theoretical origination can be traced back to Kantism , and it is deeply affected by the thoughts of Tarski , Goodman , Davidson , and so on , and it comes more directly from the criticism of metaphysical realism .

  30. 后期旧派刑法理论以新康德主义为指导思想,开始在区分事实与规范的基础上,勾勒客观事实与主观事实之间的关系,并最终使得主观事实与客观事实的关系得以明晰。

    Later the old school of criminal law theory in Neo-Kantianism as the guiding ideology , beginning in the distinction between facts and norms based on , draw the outline of objective facts and subjective fact relations , and finally make the subjective facts and objective facts to clear .