
  1. 如果你对如何在中国营销方便面感到好奇,那不妨来看看食品及饮料巨头康师傅控股有限公司(TingyiHoldingCorp.,简称:康师傅控股)今年上半年的业绩。

    If you 've ever wondered what it takes to market instant noodles in China , take a look at food and beverage giant Tingyi Holding Corp. 's results for the first half of this year .

  2. 因此,正确的经营理念,得当的营销战略与策略就显得愈加重要。康师傅控股有限公司在饮料市场具有较为突出的表现,总结其营销经验,对其它相关企业有着重要的借鉴意义。

    Therefore , it is more significant for an enterprise to have proper marketing conception , strategies and tactics .