
fǔ dǐ
  • mansion;mansion house;official residence;hall
府邸 [fǔ dǐ]
  • (1) [mansion house;official residence]∶贵族官僚的住宅

  • (2) [hall]∶中世纪王公贵族的城堡或邸宅

府邸[fǔ dǐ]
  1. 知情人士称他和Gaga可能是在帕克在洛杉矶府邸举办的基金会等活动上相识的,去年十二月份在这位社交媒体创始人的生日聚会上又联系上了。

    Sources say he and Gaga likely have known each other for a while through events Parker has hosted at his LA mansion including for his foundation , and connected again at the social network founder 's birthday party last December .

  2. 你父亲想住进州长的府邸

    is your father 's play for the governor 's mansion .

  3. 在一段YouTube视频上可以看到总统府邸外,穆尔西的支持者和反对者,互扔石头,拆解对方帐篷。

    Outside the presidential palace , Morsi 's supporters clashed with his opponents , throwing stones and dismantling their tents as captured in this YouTube video .

  4. 跟着Nagashima来到由茶馆、寺庙和重建的武士府邸组成的迷宫后,我感觉自己像是掉进了兔子洞的爱丽丝。

    Following Nagashima into the labyrinth ofteahouses , temples and restored samurai houses , I felt like Alice slipping intothe rabbit hole .

  5. 这对好莱坞明星夫妇在哈里夫妇在5月结婚以后邀请他们乘坐私人飞机来到乔治位于科莫湖的豪华府邸,在那里哈里夫妇见到了乔治夫妇1岁大的双胞胎Ella和Alexander上了新手爸妈的速成班。

    The Hollywood glamour pair flew Meghan and Harry via private jet to George 's luxury residence on Lake Como after their May nuptials , where they received a crash course in parenting after meeting the pair 's one-year-old twins , Ella and Alexander .

  6. 厄谢府邸:爱伦·坡眼中的世界

    The House of Usher : the World in Poe 's mind

  7. 它建造成这样,有一点儿老式府邸的格局。

    There is something about old-fashioned mansions built as this is .

  8. 整个昂古莱姆府邸,就好像是一个巨大的石块棋盘。

    One would have pronounced it a gigantic stone chess-board .

  9. 黎明前这个受伤的男人被神秘地带出府邸。

    Before dawn the wounded man was spirited away from the house .

  10. 后来我们又在不少金碧辉煌的私人府邸中闲逛。

    Then we lounged through many and many a sumptuous private mansion .

  11. 没准英式府邸的盛情款�

    Who knows , a little hospitality in an English house

  12. 这样,我们一行人朝着女王的府邸前进。

    Thus we proceeded toward the queen 's compound .

  13. 这条大道距离法国总统府邸只有几条街的距离。

    It 's just a few blocks from the country 's presidential palace .

  14. 整个府邸没有一处没被她画上。

    There was not single place in the mansion she did not paint .

  15. 真美羽,你有没有邀请主席这个周末来我的府邸?

    Mameha , did you invite the chairman to my estate this weekend ?

  16. 这周末维多利亚帮我在她府邸举办读书会意在推广我尚未出版的自�

    Victoria kindly offered her home for a reading of my unpublished memoirs this weekend .

  17. 事实上,她已经看见菲茨尔斯是朝着庄园府邸的方向去了。

    She had , in fact , seen Fitzpiers take the direction of the manor-house .

  18. 她打扫了整座府邸里里外外的灰尘和泥土。

    She swept up all the dust and dirt she could find in the whole mansion .

  19. 国王普里阿摩斯送给他一座府邸,和他的兄弟特洛伊的其他王子所居住的一样。

    King Priam gave him a house like those of his brothers , the Trojan princes .

  20. 今天早晨,一辆马车将一棵圣诞树送到了华盛顿第一夫人劳拉的府邸。

    A cart and horse delivered the official tree to the First Lady this morning in Washington .

  21. 意大利文艺复兴时期的府邸建筑

    Palazzo in Italian Renaissance architecture

  22. 洛克伍德至少住过五所不同的教区长府邸,上过六所不同的学校&都是天主教的。

    Lockwood lived in at least five different rectories and attended six different schools , all of them Catholic .

  23. 最近一个月来,这座遭天诅咒的府邸始终呈现着阴郁的外表,象是一家收容着瘟疫病人的传染病院一样。

    For the last month this wretched house had presented the gloomy appearance of a lazaretto infected with the plague .

  24. 警方突击检查意大利各地数十名合法的艺术品收藏家的府邸时,这些赝品浮出水面。

    The counterfeits came to light during police raids on the homes of dozens of legitimate art collectors across Italy .

  25. 谁能想到叫盖瑞和钨(金属)的人住在伦敦类似白金汉宫和肯辛顿宫的私人府邸?

    Who knew that people named Gary and Tungsten resided in exclusive abodes like Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace inLondon ?

  26. 我住的地方离巴尔莫拉城堡不远,那里是女王在苏格兰高地的私人府邸。

    I live not far from Balmoral Castle , which is the Queen 's private residence in the Scottish Highlands .

  27. 作为那时等级最高的社会阶层,武士在厚厚的土墙后建起了奢华的府邸和富饶的花园。

    As the highest social caste during thistime , the samurai built extravagant residences and opulent gardens behindthick , earthen walls ;

  28. 全方位党际关系格局的形成及其特点它建造成这样,有一点儿老式府邸的格局。

    The Formation and Features of Overall Inter-party Relationship Pattern ; There is something about old-fashioned mansions built as this is .

  29. 一经采用,我们就把莲花府邸三周年的入场券及特别纪念品送到您身边。

    Once use , we will send our third anniversary 's tesserae and souvenir about lotusPalace Restaurant & Bar to you .

  30. 倘若您第一次来到莲花府邸,何不记录下对这里的一些感受;

    When you come to lotusPalace Restaurant & Bar the first time , would you like to write down your feeling please ?