
  1. 定额非定额&晚清各府州县学缺额研究1.各州州议会应规定本州参议员及众议员之选举时间、地点及程序;

    Clause 1 : The Times , Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives , shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof ;

  2. 广东书院与社学以及府州县学相互补充,使封建教育的发展出现了前所未有的局面。

    The college learning , social education and social education in Guangdong intersected each other , which has resulted in development of the feudal education never seen before .

  3. 明代山东的基层学校是明代山东的教育体系中的重要组成部分,其对府州县学的补充与促进作用非常大,二者共同构成了明代山东完整的教育体系。

    Primary school education is an important part of the Shandong education system , the two together constitute the complete education system of Shandong education system in Ming Dynasty .

  4. 而文化的传承离不开学校,府州县学由于有完善的体制,记载的也多,历来研究者写得比较多一些,而基层学校教育由于材料分散则没有系统的论述过。

    As government schools have a sound system and many records , researchers write many more papers about them . However , primary school education is no systematic discussed before due to material dispersion .

  5. 明代地方儒学主要是指府、州、县学,还包括都司卫学。

    In the Ming Dynasty , the so-called local Confucian schools mainly refer to Fuxue , Zhouxue and Xianxue .