  • temple;shrine;temple fair;joss house
  • 供奉祖先的房屋:家~。宗~。太~。

  • 供神佛或历史上有名人物的地方:孔~。岳~。寺~。

  • 王宫的前殿,泛指朝廷:~堂。


(旧时供祖宗神位或神佛、 历史名人的处所) temple; shrine; joss house:

  • 孔庙

    a temple to Confucius;

  • 宗庙

    ancestral temple or shrine of a ruling house


(庙会) temple fair:

  • 赶庙

    go to the fair

  1. 这座旧庙为流浪汉们遮风挡雨。

    The old temple sheltered the tramps from bad weather .

  2. 谁进得龙王庙不捏一把冷汗?

    No one came into Dragon King Temple without breaking into a cold sweat .

  3. 以往这儿有一座庙。

    There used to be a temple here .

  4. 我们每年元宵节都到夫子庙逛花灯。

    We go to the Confucius Temple and enjoy various lanterns there every year on Lantern festival .

  5. 他们把庙奉献给神

    They consecrated a temple to their god .

  6. 山上有座庙。

    There is a temple on the hill .

  7. 唐朝时,南岳衡山上有一座观音庙,庙宇庄严,香火缭绕。

    In the Tang Dynasty , there was a Guanyin ( Avalokitesvara ) Temple on the Southern Mountain of Hengshan . The temple was stately and solemn , with incense1 smoke curling all around .

  8. 有一天,他们听说有一座庙要挂新匾,于是便相约去比一比各自的眼力。

    One day , they heard that a new inscribed1 board was to be hung up in a temple , so they made an appointment with each other to have a contest of their eyesight .

  9. 寺庙里的神像对占据庙前广大空间的大树及攀附大树生存的茑藤和松萝十分记恨,认为它们喧宾夺主,一直想把它们除掉。

    The joss in the temple hated the big tree and the bines and vines clinging to it , which had occupied the vastly space in front of the joss house , because he thought they had usurped1 its role , and ha has always wanted to get rid of them .

  10. 一天,有个和尚看见庙中的这两座像,心里很不高兴,说:“我们佛法广大无边,怎么能让佛祖屈居在老君的右边呢?”

    One day , a monk5 saw the two idols in the temple . He was displeased6 and said : " The power of Buddha7 is infinite . How can we condescend8 to allow the idol of Sakyamuni to be placed on the right of that of Tai Shang Lao Jun ? "

  11. 当晚,它们就托梦给附近的百姓说:“给你们带来灾祸的不是神像,而是庙前的大树。”乡亲们相信了这一说法,第二天就把大树砍掉了。

    That night , they appeared in the dreams of nearby people , telling them that , " It was not the joss but the bog3 tree in front of the temple that brought you the misfortune . " The villagers were convinced , and cut down the big tree the next day .

  12. 湖北省庙河地区钉螺细胞色素C氧化酶1基因差异的研究

    Preliminary Study on Cytochrome C Oxidase 1 Gene of Oncomelania hupensis from Miao River Area in Hubei Province

  13. 针对沙溪庙组特定的地质特征,本文采用了最佳子集及GA-BP神经网络模型预测产能。

    Based on the specific geological features of Shaximiao formation , this article used the best subset and GA-BP neural network models to predict the deliverability .

  14. 我看到当地人在妈祖庙(MatsuTemple)里祈祷,扫燕尾屋顶的妈祖庙始建于16世纪末,庙里的木雕工艺巧夺天工,宁静悠长的历史感触手可及。

    I watched the locals praying at the Matsu Temple , dating from the late 16th century , with its stunning woodcarvings , sweeping swallowtail roof and a palpable sense of the eternal .

  15. 它从庙岛群岛起沿山东半岛北部向东绕过山东半岛东端向南延伸,并可延伸到80m等深线处。

    It starts from the Miaodao Island , extends eastward along the northern Shandong Peninsula , then turns southward at the eastern tip of the Shandong Peninsula , even reaching to 80 m isobaths .

  16. 其主要建筑有Intihuatana,太阳庙,以及三窗户的房间。

    Its primary buildings are the Intihuatana , the Temple of the Sun , and the Room of the Three Windows .

  17. 总之,好吃的东西都在夫子庙!

    In short , good things are in the Confucius Temple !

  18. 属性优化在台格庙太二段产能预测中的应用

    Application of attribute optimization to output prediction of Tai'er member gas

  19. 晋东南村庙建筑形态分析

    Analysis on the Architectural Forms of Village Temples in Southeast Shanxi

  20. 南京夫子庙旅游资源整合

    Reorganizing of the Tourism Resource in the Confucian Temple , Nanjing

  21. 北京历代帝王庙的综合价值评估

    A Comprehensive Appraisal of Successive Dynasties of Emperor Temple in Beijing

  22. 伤员那天被送进了小庙。

    The wounded was sent to the little temple that day .

  23. 参加者考察黄大仙庙的传统中国建筑特色。

    Participants studied the architectural characteristics of Wong Tai Sin temple .

  24. 成都地铁2号线牛王庙车站半盖挖法设计

    Semi-covered Excavation Scheme for Niuwangmiao Station on Chengdu Metro Line 2

  25. 他常常不得不在清冷的庙中过夜。

    He often had to spend the night in deserted temples .

  26. 境内有驰名中外的避暑山庄和外八庙,是理想的旅游胜地。

    Territory the world-famous Mountain Resort is an ideal tourist destination .

  27. 有人说太阳庙可能一度镶嵌着珠宝。

    Some say it may once have been covered with gems .

  28. 白庙气田压裂改造技术研究与应用

    Study and application of fracturing technology in Baimiao gas field

  29. 祠庙和戏楼想象你的古老和辉煌记洛阳周公庙和应天门遗址

    Shrine temples and the aters-just imagine your oldness and brilliance

  30. 留矿全面采矿法在庙岭金矿的应用实践

    The application of overall shrinkage stoping in Miaoling Gold Mine