
  • 网络diapirism
  1. 天然气藏形成相当晚,与底辟作用有关,烃类气体主要充注时间在1.3Ma以后,CO2气体主要充注时间在0.1Ma左右;

    The gas pool is quite young , and is related to the diapirism . The hydrocarbon gas was charged after t 1.3 Ma , and CO 2 gas at about 0.1 Ma .

  2. 壳幔物质流变的底辟作用孕育大地震&卫星重力资料的证据

    Major earthquakes by rheological diapirism of crust-mantle material & Evidence from satellite gravity data

  3. 掌握了莺歌海盆地泥底辟作用成藏富集规律;

    The study on the gas accumulation pattern in mud diapir traps of Yinggehai Basin ;

  4. 岩体和热变质岩的构造特征表明,该岩株是底辟作用侵位的产物。

    Structure features of the pluton and aureole rocks show that the emplacement of the stock was a diapiric process .

  5. 晚三叠世-早侏罗世二长、正长花岗岩体就位过程中构造扩展机制起主导作用,岩浆底辟作用也较强;

    In the Triassic-early Jurassic , the emplacement mechanism of monzonitic granite and orthoclase granite is dominated by tectonic extension and the diapirism is strong .