• shelter;protect;cover;shield
  • 遮蔽,掩护:~护。~短。包~。~荫(a.遮住阳光;b.喻包庇袒护)。~佑(保佑)。~护权。


(遮蔽; 掩护) cover; shelter; shield; protect:

  • 包庇

    give protection to sb.


(姓名) a surname:

  • 庇广士

    Bi Guangshi

  1. 科多兽给了我们需要的一切:肉,衣服,武器,盔甲,庇所。

    The kodo gives us everything we need : meat , clothing , weapons , armor , shelter .

  2. 斯努皮和斯基普抵达韦恩堡之前几个小时,托普一家就心情激动地在动物庇养站翘首以待。

    Hours before Snoopy and Skip were expected in Fort Wayne , the Topps were waiting excitedly at the humane shelter .

  3. 帕茜实在是一张白纸,毫无瑕庇。她不会装模作样,弄虚作假,也没有脾气。

    Pansy was really a blank page , a pure white surface , successfully kept so ; she had neither art , nor guile , nor temper .

  4. 宝石商人仔细察看钻石有无瑕庇来自《现代英汉综合大词典》

    The jeweler scrutinized the diamond for flaws .

  5. “发达国家中会有很多公司的董事会都为这个问题感到担忧,”咨询公司TowersPerrin-Tillinghast的董事总经理史蒂夫•泰勒-古庇(SteveTaylor-Gooby)表示。

    " There are going to be a lot of boards around the developed world worried about this ," says Steve Taylor-Gooby , managing director of consultants Towers Perrin-Tillinghast .

  6. 用文献〔1〕提供的萨庇(Sarpy)壤土和吉里(Geary)粉壤上实验成果,对文中结论做了验证。

    With the experiment result on Sarpy loamy soil and Geary mealy loamy soil listed in reference [ 1 ] , the conclusion is verified .

  7. 庇山煤矿矿井突水灾害分析及治理技术

    Analysis and Countermeasures to Mine Inrush Disaster in Bishan Coal Mine

  8. 我们每个人都希望都能够为亚庇市感到自豪。

    We all wish to be proud of Kota Kinabalu City .

  9. 靠近艺术还是靠近机械&格罗庇乌斯的思想转变

    Close to Art or Close to Machine-About the Thoughts Conversion of Walter Gropius

  10. “那赶车的就是他,他化装成了车夫。”庇皮诺答道。

    " It was he who drove , disguised as the coachman ," replied peppino .

  11. 庇山煤矿注浆堵水方案的调整与实践

    Adjustment and Practice on the Plan of Blocking Water by Grouting in Bishan Coal Mine

  12. 庇料是否清楚标识?

    Are rejected materials clearly identified ?

  13. 死亡的雄性产婆蟾躺在法国庇里牛斯山国家公园。

    Dead male common midwife toads lie on the ground in France 's Pyrenees National Park .

  14. 他们同时还控制并守卫着伦敦地下城,人类的庇难所。

    They also control and defend the London underground , which serves as mankind 's sanctuary .

  15. 该植物公园正好是在亚庇市的中央,是城市居民理想的悠闲好去处。

    The park is centrally placed in Kota Kinabalu , and is ideal for city dwellers .

  16. 但皇帝提庇留和许多官员在帝国的殷切信徒的徵兆。

    But the Emperor Tiberius and many officials in the empire were ardent devotees of augury .

  17. 庇品是否有明确标记?

    Are faulty items clearly identified ?

  18. 为要保守公平人的路,护庇虔敬人的道。

    For he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones .

  19. “我们还是继续向前走吧,庇皮诺大概已把我们要来的事通报了哨兵。”

    " Let us go on ; peppino will have warned the sentry of our coming . "

  20. 那时,以撒住在南地,刚从庇耳.拉海.莱回来。

    Now Isaac had come from Beer Lahai Roi , for he was living in the Negev .

  21. 我的肺腑是你所造的。我在母腹中,你已覆庇我。

    For you created my inmost being ; you knit me together in my mother 's womb .

  22. 那两个人之中一个正是庇皮诺,另外那个是一个望风的强盗。

    One of the two men was peppino , and the other a bandit on the lookout .

  23. 庇皮诺第一个从这条石缝里钻了进去,但走了几步之后,地道就开阔起来了。

    Peppino glided first into this crevice ; after they got along a few paces the passage widened .

  24. 庇皮诺答道,“大人随便问我什么问题,我都可以回答。”

    Returned peppino . " I am ready to answer any questions your excellency may address to me . "

  25. 小时候我有一个愿望:我愿在你的庇萌下做一世的孩子。

    I had a dream in the childhood : I hope to always be a child under your protection .

  26. “喏,大人,”庇皮诺一面说,一面给他一把钝口的小刀和一只黄杨木做的餐叉。

    " Here , excellency ," said peppino , offering him a little blunt knife and a boxwood fork .

  27. 我们必须一起努力,使亚庇市成为我们能够感到自豪的城市。

    We have to work together to bring KK city to be a city that we are proud of .

  28. 这张摄于庇里牛斯山国家公园的照片,一只活的产婆蟾在两只死亡的雄性产婆蟾之间。

    A live common midwife toad is seen near two dead male toads in France 's Pyrenees National Park .

  29. 所以我极其喜欢夸我的软弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。

    Most gladly therefore I will rather boast in my weaknesses that the power of Christ might tabernacle over me .

  30. 他觉得还是与他的相识做交易比较好一些,便要他去叫庇皮诺。

    He thought it would be better to transact business with his old acquaintance , so he sent for Peppino .