
  • 网络wide area measurement system;wams;WAMS-Wide Area Measurement System;WAMS,Wide Area Measurement System
  1. 利用广域测量系统所提供的系统动态信息,可以在线识别失稳区,搜索解列割集,自适应地确定解列时机。

    Based on WAMS information , out of step area identifying and islanding cutset searching can be made online , and islanding time can be determined adaptively .

  2. 广域测量系统中PMU优化配置方法的比较

    Analysis and Comparison of Algorithms of Optimizing PMU Placement in WAMS

  3. 基于CIM的广域测量系统的信息模型

    Information Model of Wide Area Measurement System Based on CIM

  4. 本文对基于GPS的广域测量系统做了简要介绍,并将广域测量系统和Prony方法相结合对低频振荡现象进行分析。

    The paper instructs wide-area measurements systems and analysis low-frequency oscillation by wide-area measurements and Prony method .

  5. 计及广域测量系统时滞影响的TCSC控制器设计

    TCSC controller design in consideration of time delay in wide-area measuring system

  6. 电网广域测量系统中PMU的研究和设计

    Study and design of PMU in dynamic security monitoring system

  7. 提出一种基于广域测量系统的多馈入高压直流(HVDC)模糊自适应协调阻尼控制器。

    A wide-area measurement system ( WAMS ) based fuzzy adaptive coordinative damping controller is developed for multi-infeed HVDC system .

  8. 基于全球定位系统(GPS)的同步相量测量装置(PMU)是广域测量系统(WAMS)的重要组成部分。

    GPS-based synchronized phasor measurement units ( PMUs ) are important components in wide area measurement systems ( WAMS ) .

  9. PMU是电力系统实时动态监测系统及广域测量系统的核心单元。

    PMU is a key unit for Real-time Dynamic Monitoring System and Wide Area Measurement Systems ( WAMS ) .

  10. 近年来,基于全球定位系统(GPS)技术构建的广域测量系统(WAMS)能够实时地将全网同步测量信息传送至调度中心,使全网动态监测成为可能。

    Recently , based on the global position system ( GPS ), the wide-area measurement system ( WAMS ) has made the power system dynamic behavior monitoring possible .

  11. 广域测量系统(WAMS)的出现为广域电力系统的稳定分析和控制提供了新的契机。

    The emerging of wide-area measurement systems ( WAMS ) provides new opportunities for the analysis and control of wide area power systems .

  12. 近年来,随着广域测量系统(Wide-areaMeasurementSystem,WAMS)逐渐形成,电力系统可得到的数据呈指数增长,但至今没有一种方法能够有效利用隐藏在这些数据后的深层信息。

    In recent years , with the formation wide-area measurement system ( WAMS ), the data that can be gained increases exponentially , but there is not an effective method to utilize the deeper-level information hidden in the data .

  13. 目前,电力系统的实时监测主要是数据采集与监控(SCADA)系统和广域测量系统(WAMS)。

    At present , supervisory control and data acquisition ( SCADA ) system and wide area measurement system ( WAMS ) are the main monitoring systems of the power systems .

  14. 针对基于传统量测的负荷建模方法存在的问题,提出了一种基于广域测量系统(WAMS)的负荷建模方法。

    A wide-area measurement system ( WAMS ) based load modeling approach was presented aiming at the disadvantages of existing load modeling methods based on traditional measurements .

  15. 广域测量系统(WAMS)的迅速发展和广泛应用为电网运行状况的在线监测提供了平台。

    The rapid development and applications of wide area measurement system ( WAMS ) is the basis for the on-line monitoring of the stability in power systems .

  16. SVC已经广泛应用于电力系统的无功支持和电压控制,广域测量系统在国内外也已有许多工程应用。

    SVC is used in power system for the purpose of reactive power support and voltage control . Wide area measurement system ( WAMS ) has been widely used in modern power systems .

  17. 在高阶Taylor级数法暂态稳定计算方法的启发下,提出了一种以广域测量系统(WAMS)过程测量数据为基础的电力系统暂态稳定快速预估方法。

    Enlighten by the method of fast transient stability simulation through high order Taylor series expansions , this paper proposed a fast transient stability predicting method based on the WAMS process measurement data .

  18. 广域测量系统(WAMS)为电网监控提供了实时同步的全局信息,为电网的稳定控制带来了新的契机。

    Wide area measurement system ( WAMS ) provides with real-time synchronize information of the whole power grid for monitoring and control , which is a tuning point .

  19. 基于广域测量系统(WAMS)的互联电网区间阻尼控制能够有效抑制区间低频振荡,提高互联系统的传输容量。

    An inter-area damping control system based on wide-area measurements system ( WAMS ) can greatly improve the ability to damp low-frequency oscillation and the transfer capability of interconnected power systems .

  20. 广域测量系统(Wide-areaMeasurementSystem,WAMS)虽然能在毫秒级的时间尺度上对电力系统进行同步测量,但在现有技术条件下它还不能完全代替SCADA系统。

    Wide-Area Measurement System ( WAMS ) can measure power system synchronously in the time scale of millisecond , but under existing technology condition SCADA cannot be replaced completely by WAMS yet , therefore in a long time period the two systems bound to be coexisting and complementing .

  21. 以相角测量单元(PMU)为基础的提供电网准确动态过程测量数据的广域测量系统(WAMS)将成为电网保护控制的基础测量系统。

    Wide area measurement system ( WAMS ) which based on phase measurement unit ( PMU ) supplies the accurate dynamic process datum to electric network , and will become the base measurement system of electric network protection and control .

  22. 随着同步相量测量单元(PMU)在电力系统中的广泛应用,开展基于广域测量系统(WAMS)的广域控制的研究具有重要的理论和实际意义。

    With the wide application of synchronized phase measurement unit ( PMU ) in power system , the wide-area measurement system ( WAMS ) has enabled the use of a combination of measured signals from remote location for global control purpose .

  23. 文章介绍了以同步相量测量技术为基础的广域测量系统(WAMS)的发展概况,在体系结构、相量测量单元(PMU)分布、通信通道的选择、中心站功能设计等方面进行了分析。

    The general development situation of wide area measurement system ( WAMS ) based on synchronous phasor measurement technology is presented and its architecture , distribution of phasor measurement units ( PMU ), selection of communication channels and the functional design of its central-station are analyzed .

  24. 基于广域测量系统的功角稳定预测与发电机失步保护的协调控制

    Coordination between rotor angle stability and out-of-step protection based on WAMS

  25. 基于广域测量系统的节点电压稳定预测研究

    Research of Nodal Voltage Stability Prediction Based on Wide-Area Measurement System

  26. 基于广域测量系统的状态估计研究综述

    An Overview of State Estimation Based on Wide-area Measurement System

  27. 新型广域测量系统控制中心的实现及应用

    Realization and Application of the New Wide Area Measurement System Control Center

  28. 广域测量系统的可靠性概率模型研究

    Study on Reliability Probability Model of Wide Area Measurement System

  29. 适合广域测量系统的通信网探讨

    Study on Communication Scheme for Wide Area Measurement Systems

  30. 一种基于广域测量系统过程量测数据的快速暂态稳定预估方法

    A Fast Transient Stability Predicting Method Based on the WAMS Process Measurement Data