
  • 网络BSc;balanced score card;Balance Score Card;the balanced scorecard
  1. 平衡计分卡的实施成本主要分为两类:一类是有形的显性成本,这类成本对于企业来说是可控的。

    BSC implementation cost can be classified two sorts .

  2. 本文还明确了平衡计分卡体系在C银行战略实施的过程以及在过程中应注意的问题。

    It also mentions what should be noticed when BSC system is used in the C bank strategic operation .

  3. 第4章平衡计分卡原理在C海关绩效评价中的应用。

    Chapter 4 illustrates the application of Balanced Scorecard in C Customs .

  4. F酒店基于平衡计分卡的战略设计和实施

    The Strategy Design and Implement of Balanced Scorecard on F Hotel

  5. 高新技术企业RD项目团队绩效后评价模型基于平衡计分卡的方法

    Post-Evaluation of Performance Model of Hi-Tech Enterprise R D Project Team Based on the Balance Scorecard

  6. 四是PB公司业绩评价体系的研究不局限于平衡计分卡。

    Fourth , this paper is not limited to the Balanced Scorecard .

  7. ERP环境下基于平衡计分卡的企业绩效评价系统的研究

    A Study of Enterprise Performance Measurement System Based on BSC under the Condition of ERP

  8. EVA在平衡计分卡中的地位与作用

    The Status and Function of EVA In The Balanced Scorecard

  9. 对企业经营业绩评价的探讨&建立EVA综合平衡计分卡

    An Approach to Evaluation of Enterprise Performance & Establishing EVA Balanced Scorecard

  10. 平衡计分卡是由哈佛商学院教授罗伯特·S·卡普兰和复兴全球战略集团总裁大卫·P·诺顿于1992年提出的。

    BSC was invented in 1992 by Prof. Robert · S · Kaplan of Harvard Business School and Mr. David Norton , CEO of Renaissance Solutions .

  11. 1992年平衡计分卡的发明者罗伯特·R·卡普兰和戴维·P·诺顿,首次在《哈佛商业评论》上发表了关于平衡计分卡的文章。

    In 1992 the inventor of the Balanced Scorecard , Drs. Robert Kaplan and David Norton , debuted their methodology in the Harvard Business Review .

  12. EXCEL层次分析法模型在平衡计分卡指标中的研究与应用

    Study and application on Structuring AHP Model based on EXCEL to Determine Ratio of Index of BSC

  13. 通过对执业律师的绩效考核指标问卷的统计,初步选定绩效考核指标的范围。再由合伙人结合P律师事务所的战略目标和发展重点,确定针对律师考核的平衡计分卡指标。

    The author selected performance index initially by statistics on questionnaires in present performance index of practicing lawyers , and finally determined the assessment of the indicators of BSC for lawyers .

  14. 第三章介绍了使用平衡计分卡构建X航空公司战略性绩效管理体系的一系列步骤及方法及后续的维护工作。

    Chapter 3 introduces a series of steps and methods how to use The Balanced Scorecard to establish the system of strategic KPI management for a company .

  15. 平衡计分卡(BSC)是企业战略管理阶段的重要衡量指标。

    The Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) is the important measure index in the enterprise strategic management .

  16. 平衡计分卡(balancedscorecard,BSC)是一种兼具评价系统、战略管理系统和沟通工具多重功能的管理工具。

    The Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) is a multi-function management tool with evaluation system , strategic management system and communication tool .

  17. 这部分以作业管理与经济附加值(EVA)、平衡计分卡(BSC)的自然结合为例说明。

    It is illustrated by combining the ABM with Economic Value Added ( EVA ) and the Balanced scorecard ( BSC ) .

  18. 当前战略业绩评价的一种理想的思路是运用平衡计分卡作为基本的分析框架,融合其他管理工具的一些优点,如EVA。

    One of the ideal methods for strategic performance evaluation is to use BSC as a basic framework , integrating with some traits of other tools .

  19. 平衡计分卡和PSR模型都具有系统性、因果性和可持续发展的共性特点。

    Balanced scorecard and PSR model has the same character of system , causality and sustainability .

  20. 第三部分针对R中学的实际情况调整了企业平衡计分卡模型的框架结构,设计了针对学校的平衡计分卡模型的框架结构。

    In the third part , aiming at the actual situation of R middle school , to adjust the structure of the enterprise balanced scorecard , and design the structure of balanced scorecard for school .

  21. 在三种战略绩效管理模式(MBO、KPI、BSC)中,平衡计分卡绩效管理模式无论是在理论还是实践上都显示出其固有的优越性。

    In the three strategic performance management methods ( MBO KPI BSC ), BSC is better than the other two in nature .

  22. 近年来,新兴的平衡计分卡(BSC)成为绩效考核方法的一种新理念。

    In recent years , the emerging of the Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) has become a new concept of Performance appraisal methods .

  23. W公司通过平衡计分卡将战略转化为行动,通过战略地图及行动计划,将战略转化为日常工作,运用平衡计分卡有效解决战略执行、绩效提升问题。

    W transferred the strategy into action through the Balanced Scorecard , and transferred the strategy into daily work through strategy maps and action plans , effectively soluted the problems of strategy implementation and performance improvement .

  24. 然后提出了以关键绩效指标法(KPI),360度绩效评价法、平衡计分卡(BSC)为指导的评价指标体系和权重体系。

    Then , it puts forwards evaluating system and weighing system under the guidance of key performance indicators , 360-degree evaluation method and balanced Scorecard method .

  25. 再次,对于评价方法缺乏仿真性的问题,提出结合系统动力学(SD)建立动态平衡计分卡(SD–BSC)模型来解决,并证明该方法的有效性。

    Thirdly , a SD-BSC model based on SD is given to solve the problem that existing evaluation method is short of simulation , and the validity of this method is proved .

  26. 然后,结合M银行C省级分行的具体实例来引入平衡计分卡绩效评价体系建设,确定最终绩效考评指标和评分细则,论证了平衡计分卡在商业银行实施的可行性与适应性。

    Then , with M the provincial branch of Bank C to introduce concrete examples of the Balanced Scorecard performance evaluation system to determine the final performance evaluation indicators and scoring rules , demonstrates the implementation of Balanced Scorecard in the feasibility of commercial banks and adaptability .

  27. 如果将平衡计分卡和PSR模型两者的优势结合起来,建立基于PSR的平衡计分卡去构建环境影响指标体系应该可行。

    If we combine the advantage of balanced scorecard and PSR model , it is feasible to construct environment impact indicator system using scorecard based on PSR .

  28. 为有效解决现代公司治理中存在的代理成本问题,自20世纪90年代以来,当代西方的公司绩效管理领域出现了三种创新:EVA、平衡计分卡和智力资本评价体系。

    In order to solve the agency cost that exists in Corporate Governance , since 1990 's , there emerged three types of innovation which are known as EVA , the Balanced Scorecard and Intellectual capital evaluation system .

  29. 基于平衡计分卡(BSC)的思想,构建了RD部门的BSC绩效评价体系,论述了以整合的思想,动态实施RD绩效评价计分卡。

    Based on the idea of BSC , The paper developed a balanced scorecard ( BSC ) performance evaluation system , and discussed on how firms can apply this integrated performance evaluation system to the R & D function .

  30. 1992年Kaplan和Norton的《平衡计分卡&业绩衡量与驱动的新方法》在《哈佛商业评论》的发表标志着平衡计分卡理论的诞生。

    The issue of Kaplan and Norton 's " The Balanced Scorecard & Measures that Drive Performance " in Harvard Business Review in 1992 mark the birth of balanced scorecard .