
pínɡ shí kǎo hé
  • Regular assessment;assessment at ordinary times;check at ordinary times
  1. 只有加强平时考核的力度,建立以绩效为核心的定期考核指标体系,加强考核工作的监督,公务员考核制度才可能得到进一步完善。

    To better the assessment regulation , we need to strengthen the peacetime assessment , establish a norm system of regular assessment with metric assessment as the core .

  2. 实施方法可采用以评促建、评建结合,自我评价与组织评价相结合,平时考核和集中评价相结合,数量分析等方法。

    Implementing methods could adopt the policies , such as construction by evaluation , construction combining with evaluation , self-evaluation combining with organization evaluation , extensive evaluation combining with intensive evaluation and quantity analysis , etc.

  3. 多样化考核方式由平时考核+闭卷考试+开卷考试+实验考试四结合的形式构成,实现对学生学习效果的综合评价。

    The diverse inspection way form of " usually inspects " + " the closed-book examination " + " the open-book examination " + " the experimental test " four unions form , appraising the effect of study .

  4. 再次,结合N县审计局的职能特点,创新了平时绩效考核与年度绩效相结合的考核方法。

    Again , in combination with N county audit office functions , innovation method of performance appraisal at ordinary times combined with annual performance .

  5. 本文所提出针对思明区人社局平时绩效考核体系完善的措施和方法,是本人在厦门大学攻读MPA期间密切关注并积极思索的。

    The measures and methods of Siming District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau usual performance appraisal system is perfect , I pursue MPA at the Xiamen University , pay close attention to and actively thinking .

  6. 模糊综合评判法在学生平时成绩考核中的应用

    On the Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Judgment in the Evaluation of Students ' Usual Performance

  7. 文中对思明区人社局平时绩效考核实践的现状做了全面阐述,并结合问卷调查的数据分析,指出该局平时绩效考核中存在的主要不足。

    Elaborates the Siming District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau usual performance appraisal of the status quo , combining the questionnaire data analysis , and points out that the Bureau main problems existing in usual performance appraisal .

  8. 通过大量阅读相关文献、重新深入调研考核实践并请教老师、同学,最终较系统、较科学地完成对该局公务员平时绩效考核体系的改进,使其更符合实践要求。

    Through a lot of reading literature , in-depth research assessment practices and consult teachers and classmates ,, culminating with the system , a more scientific way to finish the usual performance appraisal system to improve the civil service bureau , more in line with the practical requirements .

  9. 改进绩效考核办法,加强平时的绩效考核,使考核结果与奖酬紧密结合;

    Improve the way of merit assessing and correspond the result with reward ;