
  • 网络Balancing problem
  1. 讨论了等离子体湍流诊断数据分析中的统计系综平均问题。

    The basic questions in the ensemble averages of plasma micro-turbulence data are discussed .

  2. 在学习中,平均问题的相对值函数是控制器所要学习的目标函数。

    During learning , the relative function is the object to be predicted by the agent .

  3. 在本文中我们用推广的Bruwer不动点定理寻找平衡点,建立了两个经济模型:一个是关于产销平均问题,另一个是关于价格平均问题。

    In this paper , we use the extended Brouwer 's fixedpoint theorem to find the equilibrium points to set up two economical models : one about the equilibrium of production and marketing and the other about the equilibrum of prices .

  4. 雾粒时均速度从数量级及分布趋势上与数值模拟结果均一致。关于大地电磁的平均速度问题

    The distributions of mean velocity and r. m. ON MAGNETOTELLURIC AVERAGE VELOCITY

  5. 基于最大斜率法的小数量法解决了有限采样点带来的不能充分平均的问题。

    This algorithm effectively resolved the insufficient-even problem caused by the finite data .

  6. 平均准则问题的即时差分学习算法

    Temporal difference learning algorithms for average reward problem

  7. 本文研究有限群元素共轭类的平均长度问题。

    This paper studies problem of the average length of conjugacy classes of finite groups .

  8. 对递增量求平均值问题的讨论

    Methods for averaging incrementally increasing quantities

  9. 使用锥形氯离子选择性电极和钠离子选择性电极,研究了在田间直接测定原位土壤中的氯化钠平均活度问题。

    A potentiometric method for the determination of the apparent mean activity of NaCl in saline soils in situ was proposed .

  10. 对人力资源在并行任务之间的平均分摊问题进行了分析与研究,建立了受限人力资源均摊问题的目标函数和算法模型。

    This paper analyzes the fair apportion of human resource among parallel assignments , sets up the object function and the arithmetic model of limited resource .

  11. 但是这些遗传基因的估算还都没确定,因为就遗传基因变异一段时间内的平均速率问题还在进行着争论,有可能会搞错时间。

    These genetic estimations are also still in limbo because of ongoing debate about the average rate of genetic mutations over time , which could skew the age .

  12. 系统地讨论了角动量分量的平均值问题,并分析了相因子在描述量子态中的物理意义。

    In this paper , the mean value problem of angular momentum components is discussed systematically and the physical significance of phase factor in describing quantum state is analysed .

  13. 这个大国民议会是一个在波恩建立起来的分配权利的安排,解决了一些代表席位不平均的问题。

    This loya jirga is intended to legitimise the power sharing arrangement set up in Bonn and begin to iron out at least some of the inequalities in representation .

  14. 但是,地区性的收入分配不可能完全平均,问题的关键是如何在承认一定范围内收入差距存在的情况下,尽量避免这种差距拉大。

    However , regional income allocation may not be able to be fully average , the crux of the issue is under the condition of accepting that income gap exists in a certain range , then how to mightily avoid this gap to extent .

  15. Z(a,s)中的函数的典型平均的迫近问题

    Functions of Z_ ( a , s ) Approximated by Typical Means

  16. RED存在参数难以配置、无法得到与流量无关的平均队长等问题。

    Unfortunately , it is identified that RED is difficult to configure its parameters and the average queue length of RED is closely related to the load level .

  17. 文中研究了离散无记忆二进信源的n阶扩展源的霍夫曼码平均冗余量问题,对WojciechSzpankowski提出的精确渐近结果给出了一种新的证明方法。

    The average redundancy problems on Huffman block codes in a discrete memoryless binary source generating a sequence of length n is studied and a new prove method of a precise asymptotic result is given .

  18. 关于计数验收抽样检查中的平均检验件数问题

    Average Sample Number for Sampling Inspection by Attributes in Acceptance Check

  19. 关于地震年平均发生率问题的探讨

    An approach to the problem of the annual average rate of earthquake occurrence

  20. 关于富里埃级数的典型平均的逼近问题

    Approximation Problem by Typical Means of Fourier Series

  21. 关于平均指标若干问题的探讨

    Probe on Some Problems on Average Norm

  22. 文中特别对如何利用速度谱资料求取平均速度的问题作了较为详尽的讨论。

    Much discussion has been made on how to obtain average velocities from velocity spectrum .

  23. 一个平均期望费用问题

    A. Problem of Average Expectation Cost

  24. 随机最优控制也是随机不确定系统优化的一个重要内容。随机最优控制的目标函数,可分为折扣费用问题和平均期望费用问题等。

    Stochastic optimal control is an important content of the optimization theory for uncertain systems too .

  25. 关于图的平均距离的问题

    On problem with mean distance

  26. 讨论了器件耐受高峰值功率及平均功率的问题。最后文中给出了实验结果。

    The problem of peak-power and average-power is also discussed and the experimental results are finally given .

  27. 国企薪酬制度改革,要解决人的平均分配观念问题;

    To reform the state - enterprise 's salaried system the old idea of average distribution must be overcome .

  28. 所获得结果表明,一致性协议中的脉冲增益在寻求平均一致性问题中具有相当重要的作用。

    It is shown that the impulsive gain in the protocols plays a key role in seeking average consensus .

  29. 对于近年文献上提出的官能度分布和平均官能度问题,我们也就本文所涉及的反应体系作了理论上的探讨。

    For the reaction system involved in this paper , the functionality distribution and the average functionality which have been proposed recently in literature were studied theoretically .

  30. 其在电压与频率的同步测量、双积分整周期测量交流信号电压平均值等问题都提出了一些有创意的解决方法。

    There are some inventive attempts to measure voltage and frequence synchronously and obtain average alternate voltage through dual-slope convenor in the integral times of input signal period .