
  • 网络routine management
  1. 英国College已经形成了一套较为行之有效的校本教研的常规管理机制,其主要特点是以学习者为中心,以促进教师专业发展和学生素质提高为根本目标。

    An effective administration of teaching-research has been formed in British colleges and its major characteristics are learner-centred with promoting teachers'professional development and students'quality as the objective .

  2. 利用GIS技术提供的空间管理和空间分析功能,能够解决常规管理方法难以解决的许多问题。

    Using GIS technology to provide space management and spatial analysis function can solve many problems , which cannot be solved by conventional management methods .

  3. 中学体育教师课堂常规管理行为研究

    A Study of In-class Management by P.E.Teachers of Middle Schools

  4. 无论是接种率,还是免疫规划常规管理工作,均存在明显的差异。

    Whether immunization rates or immunization programming routine managements are plain differences .

  5. 高校系部教务常规管理工作探讨

    An Approach to the Educational Administration of Department at College

  6. 高职院资产常规管理与经营性管理的研究

    Research of Conventional Property Management and Managerial Property Management in Higher Vocational Colleges

  7. 本文从四个方面就防控“非典”时期图书馆的非常规管理展开论述:1.管理中对突发事件的控制;

    The article gives descriptions of library management in four aspects : 1.Accidents control ;

  8. 教学常规管理系统研究

    A Study into Teaching Management System

  9. 常规管理是经常性的规章制度的管理。教学常规管理系统研究

    General management is the one running the routine regulation and institution . A Study into Teaching Management System

  10. 第一类是指,通过常规管理足以保证其安全性、有效性的医疗器械。

    The first category means those medical instruments whose safety and effectiveness may be adequately ensured by ordinary management .

  11. 其二,通过狠抓教育常规管理,稳步提升了教学质量;

    Second , pay close attention to education through conventional management , steady improvement in the quality of teaching ;

  12. 再次,分别从常规管理、阶段管理、自主管理及心理辅导,四个方面陈述了年级组的学生管理工作。

    Then , it has illustrated management of students in terms of that of convention , phases , self-management and psychological guidance .

  13. 人力资源的管理较其他常规管理复杂,因为其作为管理对象的人具有较强的不确定性。

    Mankind as the target of managing with strong uncertainty , hence human resources management is comparatively more complex than other common management .

  14. 基于现代通信和信息技术的船岸信息系统,可以改变一切依靠人力与手工处理的船舶常规管理手段。

    Based on the modern communication and information technology , the ship-shore information system may change the manual process of routine ship management methods .

  15. 但是,这些研究和论述更多的还是停留在理论的层面上,而优化教学常规管理的实践探索也仍处于初级阶段。

    But these studies and statements remain in terms of theory , and the practice of optimizing the management is in the early stage .

  16. 有关手动处理答复、排除故障以及数据收集邮件和答复的常规管理的详细信息,请参阅下一部分。

    See the next section for more information about manual processing of replies , troubleshooting , and general management of data collection messages and replies .

  17. 高温间歇干旱期,常规管理的田间含水量能使咖啡光合速率受到抑制,灌水可促使光合速率提高。

    In the warm and dry season , the low field water con-tent under regular management inhibited photosynthesis rate which could be increased by irriga-tion .

  18. 只要阿里巴巴能善用这样的非常规管理结构,它选择纽约、而不是香港可能对这两座城市来说都是件好事。

    As long as Alibaba uses its unorthodox structure sensibly , its preference for New York over Hong Kong may be a good outcome for both cities .

  19. 建立了基于权限系统理论的质量专家网络,开发了用户管理、内容管理和常规管理三位一体的质量社区管理系统。

    Quality expert net based on authority system theory is constructed . Quality community management system integrating user management , content management and other management is developed .

  20. 它包括一套系统的政府宗教管理机构,定额管理、官方登记和资格审查三项常规管理制度。

    It consisted of a systematic government institution for managing religion , and a regular management system comprised of quantitative control , governmental registration and qualification censorship .

  21. 改革创新与常规管理并举努力提高教学质量&十年教学工作回顾

    Emphasis on both innovation and routine administration for the improvement of teaching quality ── a review of the last ten years ' teaching administration of Ningbo University

  22. 其中有机管理年限最长地块的昆虫群落的稳定性最好,常规管理的对照地块的昆虫群落稳定性最差。

    The insect community stability of the plot of the longest organic management time was the best , while the control plot of conventional management was the worst .

  23. 本文论述了高校实验物资科学管理的特点和原则,以及计划管理、常规管理、技术管理、经济管理等的科学管理实施内容。

    The article states the characteristics and the principles for colleges to realize modern management of experimental materials , and discusses in details planned management , conventional management .

  24. 本试验对北京平谷地区有机管理桃园和常规管理桃园的主要害虫和天敌进行了系统调查;

    In this experiment , the author investigated the main pests and natural enemies in the organic peach orchard and the conventional peach orchard , in Pinggu region of Beijing .

  25. 结果经统计学分析,改良呼吸道管理法在减少并发症的发生,减轻患者痛苦,缩短住院时间,减少住院费用等方面均优于常规管理方法。

    Results The modified method was superior to the conventional method in decreasing the occurrence of the complication , relieving the distress of patients , and decreasing the cost of hospitalization .

  26. 加强健康教育,让全社会了解掌握有关艾滋病传播途径及预防艾滋病的知识,反对歧视,将HIV/AIDS纳入传染病的常规管理;

    Strengthening the health education and letting all society know the knowledge about the ways of transmission of AIDS and how to prevent it . Don 't discriminate HIV / AIDS .

  27. 加强招生工作管理,确保入学关;加强教学常规管理,不断提高教学质量;

    Intensifying student 's enrolling management is ensuring the quality of students while strengthening the regular teaching management is raising the teaching quality to ensure the promotion of the overall quality-oriented education .

  28. 按照常规管理,年底可长到6蓬叶以上,比雨季开始后定植的多长2~3蓬叶,使橡胶非生产期缩短,从而达到提早割胶的目的。

    More than 6 leaves could be grown at the end of the year by employing traditional management method , thus the non productive period was shortened and reached rubber tapping early .

  29. 系统包括系统设置、常规管理、用户管理、资费维护、资费管理、信息管理、日志管理等子功能模块,各子系统又包含若干功能。

    System , including system settings , general management , user management , maintenance charges , tariff management , information management , log management sub-function modules , each subsystem contains a number of functions .

  30. 随着普通高中新课程改革的不断深入,作为维护学校正常教学秩序,提高教学质量的重要保证,教学常规管理越来越受到教学管理者的高度重视。

    With the further reform of the new curriculum , regular teaching management which is the guarantee of the teaching quality and keeping the normal teaching order , is devoted more attention to by the administrators .