
  • 网络Changshan;changshan county
  1. 建议常山县政府全力保护耕地资源与林地资源、严格控制工业SO2的排放、努力提高生态环保意识。

    Proposed full protection Changshan county government and forest land resources , land resources , strict control of industrial SO2 emissions , efforts to improve the eco-environmental awareness .

  2. 基于生态足迹法的常山县可持续发展研究

    Ecological footprint based sustainable development in Changshan County , Zhejiang Province

  3. 浙江省常山县草坡资源及其合理利用

    Grass-Slope Resources and Its Rational Utilization in Changshan County , Zhejiang Province

  4. 常山县马尾松林生态系统的修复及成效分析

    The Ecosystem Restoration of Pinus massoniana Forest in Changshan County and Effects Analysis

  5. 常山县中小学生伤害现状调查

    Survey on the injuries of pupils in Changshan county

  6. 常山县弓形虫感染流行病学调查

    Epidemiological investigation on Toxoplasma infections in Changshan County

  7. 对常山县城市防洪问题的几点看法

    Views on city flood control of Changshan county

  8. 1991~2004年浙江省常山县钩端螺旋体病流行特征分析

    Analysis on epidemic characteristics of leptospirosis in Changshan County of Zhejiang Province from 1991 to 2004

  9. 关于对常山县联合收割机推广的思考

    Consideration on Combine in Changshan County

  10. 机械化肥深施技术在常山县水稻生产中的试验与推广

    Test and Popularization on Deep Applying Technology for Chemical Fertilizer in Rice Producing in Changshan County

  11. 浙江省草山草坡的特点及其开发利用战略&以常山县为例

    The characteristics of grass mountains and grass slopes and their exploitation and utilization strategy in Zhejiang province & a case study in Changshan County

  12. 主要成果有:1.通过真实储蓄法计算表明,常山县环境处于可持续发展态势但不稳定,环境的发展速度滞后于经济的发展速度。

    Main achievements : 1 . Through genuine saving method that Changshan environment in a sustainable growth but unstable and environmental development lags behind the economic development .

  13. 介绍机械化肥深施技术在常山县推广过程中所做的试验设计方案、实施过程、产生效果以及推广所产生的显著成效,并提出完善该技术的建议。

    This paper introduces the test project , course , effect of deep applying technology for chemical fertilizer in rice producing in Changshan County , puts forward suggestion to perfect it .

  14. 浙江省常山县有马尾松林18462hm2,其林分生产力低下,植物群落结构单调、土壤冲刷严重、松毛虫发生频繁。

    Pinus massoniana forest with the area of 18,462hm ~ 2 of Changshan county in Zhejiang province has the characteristics of low productivity of stand , monotonous vegetation structure , severe soil erosion , frequent occurrence of Dendrolimus pinidiatrea ( pine-moth ) .