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wéi zhànɡ
  • bed-curtain
帷帐 [wéi zhàng]
  • [bed-curtain] 帐子

  1. 这种帷帐随时都有可能被揭开。

    At any moment they may break the veil .

  2. 在最近的北京之旅期间,早晨拉开酒店房间的帷帐时,我对天空的灰黑感到震惊。

    During a recent visit to Beijing , I was struck by how gray and dark it was in the morning when I opened the draperies in my hotel room .

  3. 人们睡在帐篷或者叫做tipi's的特殊的圆型帷帐里。有些人甚至几乎三天都不睡觉,这样他们就可以听到所有他们喜欢的乐队或新乐队表演。

    People can sleep in tents , or tipi 's which are a special kind of round tent , and some will barely sleep for 3 days so they can listen to all their favourite / or new bands !
