首页 / 词典 / good


  • 网络Disdain;scorn
鄙薄 [bǐ bó]
  • (1) [shallow]∶浅显微薄(多作谦辞)

  • 鄙薄之志,无以奉酬。--唐. 元稹《会真记》

  • 鄙薄之见

  • (2) [despise]∶鄙视菲薄

  • 鄙薄体力劳动

  1. 笔者透过近期网络上曾出暴料出UCOOL问题,简要地谈谈对网络隐私权保护的鄙薄之见。

    By the author of the recent violence on the network have a material UCOOL a problem , a brief talk about the protection of privacy on the Internet scorn of view .

  2. 二奶奶和三奶奶偷偷做个鄙薄的眼色。

    Second daughter-in-law and third daughter-in-law exchanged secret looks of disdain .

  3. 他鄙薄地叹了一口气,又变换了姿势。

    And with a scornful sigh he shifted his attitude again .

  4. 他最后抛出了一句从技术角度来说堪称登峰造极的鄙薄之语。

    He went so far as to toss out the ultimate techie insult .

  5. (反语)我倒想知道她会怎么解释这件事。我知道他们是想驳倒(译为:以话语鄙薄)。

    I should like to know how she would explain it . ( ironic )

  6. 金钱和鄙薄,才是守财奴的养料。

    Misers thrive on money and contempt .

  7. 对汉文学在日本文学史上的地位,当代日本人有两种截然不同的看法和评价。有些日本人对汉文学过于轻视、鄙薄,甚至认为是殖民地化的文学,这是不对的。

    About the position of Chinese literature in Japan , there are two views and judgments of complete difference .

  8. 同时,他又因为自己在一个方面违背《革命道理问答手册》而鄙薄自己。

    At the same time , he despised himself for his own failure in an aspect of the Revolutionary Catechism .

  9. 在重农抑商的年代,商业和商业广告为传统观念所鄙薄。

    In the period of valuing agriculture and belittling commerce , the commerce and the commercial advertisements were despised in traditional sense .

  10. 越来越多的人对欧盟28个成员国集团对英国的影响心存鄙薄,故而保守党对发起公投一事仍面临压力。

    The Conservatives are under pressure to hold an EU referendum amid growing disdain for the 28-member bloc 's influence over the UK .

  11. 有一个字经常被人亵渎我不会再来亵渎有一种感情被人假意鄙薄你也不会再来鄙薄。

    One word is too often profaned For me to profane it , One feeling too falsely disdain 'd For thee to disdain it ;

  12. 她坦然地站在我面前,眼神里有掩饰不住的温柔与怜悯,但绝对没有一丝嘲笑和鄙薄。

    She stood before me unperturbedly , there was the blandness and mercy in her expression of eyes , but absolutely no any sneer and despising .

  13. 然而社会上普遍存在追求高学历,鄙薄职业教育的现象,同时近几年高等学校扩招和我国进行的多方面的教育改革,都给职业教育带来了冲击与挑战。

    However it is general that people pursue high degree and despise vocational education , meanwhile colleges enlarge their recruiting students , the reformation in education brings challenge to vocational school and vocational school students ' quality falling year by year .

  14. 《庄子·天地》中“子贡南游于楚”一章被不少人认为是以庄子为代表的道家鄙薄技术、摒弃机械的证据。

    The narration of Zi Gong 's journey in the chapter of ' South Chu ' in The Heaven and the Earth of Zhuang Zi has been regarded by many scholars as evidence that Taoists , typically Zhuang Zi , despise technology and even deny mechanism .

  15. 由于传统诗学观念的制约与杂体诗自身的特点,以及历代文人的鄙薄,造成研究上的不足,杂体诗因此被摒斥于正体诗之外,这对杂体诗颇不公平。

    Because of the concept of the traditional poetics restricted and miscellaneous poems with its own characteristics , and the literati despising , caused by the lack of research , miscellaneous poems so long in traditional Chinese poetry was spent outside , the miscellaneous poems was not fair .
