
  • 网络Empire Centre;Imperial Center;Empire Center
  1. 但是帝国中心床垫商店贴心的卡洛斯是在床垫商店啊是的可发生了不少事

    But sweet Carlos at Empire Center Mattress Store , Was it the matress store ? Yeah.It was a lot . Yeah .

  2. 回巴比伦去,巩固你的帝国中心。

    Return to Babylon and strengthen your center .

  3. 写回帝国中心

    Writing Back to the Empire

  4. 相反,她以西印度文化为根基,在帝国中心一次又一次地与殖民霸权抗争,逆写了“黑暗之心”,构成了一种后殖民反话语。

    With West Indian culture as her root , she starts subversion from within the center , writes back to the " heart of darkness ," and constructs a postcolonial counter-discourse .

  5. 8世纪时前斯洛伐克国家被称为尼特拉公国(Nitrian),并在833年成为大摩拉维亚帝国的中心部分。

    A proto-Slovak state known as the Nitrian Principality arose in the8th century and became part of the core of Great Moravian Empire in833 .

  6. 我们身处白金汉宫大英帝国的中心

    We are in Buckingham Palace , the very heart of the British nation .

  7. 南美西部一个共和国;从公元世纪到世纪是印加帝国的中心。

    A republic in western South America ; was the heart of the Inca empire from the 12th to 16th centuries .

  8. 现在的蒙古在13世纪是蒙古帝国的中心,蒙古帝国是世界历史上国土连续面积最大的王国。

    In the 13th century , Mongolia was the center of the Mongol Empire , the largest contiguous land empire in world history .

  9. 当罗马还是大帝国的中心时,位于卡地斯省的安达鲁西亚便以美丽的女舞者而闻名。

    When Rome was the center of a vast empire , the Andalusian city of Cadiz was known as a city with pretty dancing girls .

  10. 南欧的一个共和国;公元前四世纪到公元五世纪是罗马共和国和罗马帝国的中心。

    A republic in S Europe ; was the core of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire between the 4th century BC and the 5th century AD.

  11. 因过去作为哈普斯皇堡帝国的中心而建筑独具特色的这座城市与其他西方国家首都相比,租金和公共交通费用都是最低的

    Rents and public transport costs in the city whose architecture is marked by its past as the centre of the Habsburg empire are cheap compared with other western capitals .

  12. 公元前58至51年征服克尔特的高卢的罗马人撤退以后,法兰克人移民于此公元800年以后,查理曼使此地成为他的西方帝国的中心。

    It was settled by the Franks after the retreat of the Romans , who had conquered Celtic Gaul in58-51b.c.Charlemagne made it the center of his Empire of the West after a.d.800 .

  13. 1840年鸦片战争以后,外国侵略者纷纷侵入中国,不仅使得中国逐渐陷入半殖民地半封建化社会,而且还极大地撼动了以中华帝国为中心的宗藩体制。

    After the Opium War , the foreign aggressors invaded in China , and China became to be a semi-colonial , semi-feudal society gradually . Moreover , the aggression also shook the Zong Fan system which takes the Chinese empire as center enormously .

  14. 直至今日,在大英帝国的最中心还有一片空旷的废墟。

    A void of ruin at the very centre of the British world gapes upon us to this day .

  15. 在古罗马帝国的各个中心地区都有修建竞技场,成群的人们会到那里去亲眼目睹奴隶们互相残杀。

    Coliseums existed in every metropolitan area of the Empire and crowds of people would go to witness slaves killing each other .

  16. 从前,作为帝国的贸易中心,利物浦通过交换奴隶、棉布和日用品创造财富。

    Once an imperial entrep ô t , the city built its wealth on the exchange of slaves , cotton and commodities .

  17. 柬埔寨的吴哥地区从公元800年到15世纪都是高棉帝国的权力中心。

    The Angkor region of Cambodia served as the center of power for the Khmer Empire from 800 AD well into the 1400s .

  18. 在宗教领域,拜占廷帝国的宗教中心也逐渐在该时期由西地中海世界的罗马转移到东部的君士坦丁堡。

    In religious aspect , the centre of Christianity also moved from Rome in the western empire to Constantinople in the eastern part .

  19. 这些断壁残垣曾经属于18世纪中叶耶稣会士为乾隆皇帝设计的一座西式宫殿,当年曾是帝国实际上的中心,也是中华文化遗址。

    The wall was once apart of a Western palace designed by Jesuit missionaries in the mid-18th century for the Qianlong emperor and served as both a de facto center for the Chinese Empire and a site for Chinese culture .

  20. 第二部分,以反帝国主义同盟为中心分析反帝国主义运动的起源。

    The second part tells the origin of the Anti-Imperialist League .

  21. 纽约也因帝国大厦、洛克菲勒中心和世贸大厦等摩天大楼而著名。

    New York is well known for its skyscrapers , such as the Empire State Building , Rockefeller Center and the World Trade Center .

  22. 世界贸易中心、帝国大厦、洛克菲勒中心、华尔街、百老汇、中心公园,这些著名的地方以及其它(许多著名的地方)都位于曼哈顿岛上。

    The world trade center , the EmpireState building , Rockefeller center , wall street , broadway , central Park-these famous places and many others are all located on the island of manhattan .

  23. 战争永远都在进行,在边界,罗马帝国边境,但在帝国中心却是一派和平盛世。

    There were always battles and wars going on , on the boundaries , the frontiers of the Roman Empire , but within the center of the empire there was an amazing period of peace .

  24. 它曾是世界上最大最富裕的城市,曾是拜占庭帝国和后来土耳其帝国的中心。

    From that date through the Middle Ages , Constantinople was the world 's largest and richest city , becoming the center of the new Roman Empire , the ByzantineEmpire and finally the Ottoman Empire .