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  • 网络silk book;silk manuscript
帛书 [bó shū]
  • [book copied on silk] 写在缣帛上的文字;用缣帛写的文字或书籍

  • 得雁,足有系帛书。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

  1. 帛书《要》篇夫子老而好易章新释那老人好容易喘着气说出几句话。

    A New Explanation on Chapter Yao of Silk Manuscript ; The old man managed to puff out a few words .

  2. 澳大利亚学者巴纳教授研究楚帛书的专著有三部,长文有一篇。

    Professor Barnard is an Australia scholar , and he has wrote three monographs and a long thesis on studying The Ch ' u Silk Manuscript .

  3. 制度下的和谐&帛书《黄帝四经》形名思想解析

    Harmony Within a System : Form and Name in The Silk-Book Huang-Di-Si-Jing

  4. 长沙楚帛书与古代思想

    Silk Books of Chu unearthed in Changsha and Ancient Ideas

  5. 简论帛书《易传》中的卦气思想

    On the gua - qi theory in Yi Zhuan copied on silk

  6. 马王堆帛书《五十二病方·祛疣》所涉之巫术与民俗

    Mawangdui Silk Book " 52 Prescription " Treatment Warts of the Implications of Witchcraft and Folklore

  7. 对帛书所载苏秦事迹判定不一的现状影响了帛书的利用价值。

    Disagreed judgments on the books copied on silk , however , affect their utilization value .

  8. 简牍帛书与文献的传播帛简《五行》篇与原始五行说

    Sections of Five Elements in Bamboo Slips and Silk Documents & Primal Theory of Five Elements

  9. 19世纪初叶面对西洋宗教的朝鲜、日本与中国&以黄嗣永帛书为中心

    Face Up to the Western Religions : Korea , Japan and China in the Early 19th Century

  10. 马王堆出土帛书地图柱状物的寓意

    The Symbolized Meaning of the Pillar-shaped Objects in the Silk Books and Maps Unearthed in Mawangdui of Changsha City

  11. 帛书《德行》也把道德教育与道德修养当成预防犯罪的重要手段。

    The silk book Moral Conduct takes education in ethics and accomplishment in ethics as important measures to prevent crimes .

  12. 《鶡冠子》与帛书《黄帝四经》语法、文体比较研究

    A comparative study on the grammer and style in He Kuan tzu and the silk book Huang Di Si Jing

  13. 此应可对现有之《马王堆汉墓帛书》释读成绩,作一些补充。

    This should prove to be a useful supplement to the reading of the Ma Wang Dui Han Tomb Texts .

  14. 帛书易传《要》篇透露出的卦气知识及其成书年代

    On the knowledge of Qua - qi revealed in Chapter Yao of Yi Zhuan copied on silk and the completion time of it

  15. 有关帛书《老子》的研究,主要从版本校勘、结构讨论、价值评定几个方面进行。

    The Book Laozi is mainly from the version of the collation and structure of discussion , the value assessment of several aspects .

  16. 第二个部分是考证帛书《易经》和通行本《周易》的成书年代。

    The second part is the Time study from the " silk book of changes " and the " book of changes " .

  17. 简牍帛书与文献的传播马王堆帛简书房中术产生的背景

    Books of Bamboo Slips and Silk and the Circulation of Literature Background of Sexual Skill in the Silk and Bamboo Slips from Mawangdui

  18. 据唐兰等学者的考订,这四篇古帛书就是《汉书·艺文志》所载但久已散佚的《黄帝四经》。

    According to the Textual Research of Tang Lan and other scholars , This four ancient silk books is Huang Di Si Jing .

  19. 中国古代图书的产生,大约在文字产生之后的商代,图书的完备形态是简牍和帛书。

    Chinese books appeared , following the evolution of ancient scripts , in Shang dynasty and the standard books made of bamboo and silk .

  20. 主要从字体与字体风格概说、马王堆帛书汉字字体风格特征、字体风格特征的影响进行论述。

    Mainly from the font and font style of Chinese characters font style , Mawangdui silk , font style this article discusses the effect .

  21. 文章首先通过对楚帛书内容的整体性分析说明其月令性质,然后逐一阐释帛书中的禁忌内容。

    The thesis illustrates the character of Menology by analyzing roundly the content of cloth piece in chu kingdom , and then to analyzed the taboo .

  22. 首先,介绍了巴纳教授对楚帛书的来源、周边十二肖图及帛书韵律的研究;

    First , writer introduces the study of Barnard on resource 、 the twelve peripheral figures 、 rhyme and metre of The Ch ' u Silk Manuscript ;

  23. 写绘于丝织品上的文字及图像,称为帛书,主要流行于东周至魏晋之间。

    Characters and images written or drawn on silk are called silk manuscripts , which were popular from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to the Wei and Jin dynasties .

  24. 一九七三年底,在湖南长沙马王堆三号汉墓的发掘中,发现了一批古代帛书。

    By the end of 1973 , in the excavation of 3rd Mawangdui Han Tomb in Changsha , Hunan , we found a number of ancient silk manuscripts .

  25. 着重在于阐述《黄帝四经》的内在逻辑结构,力图揭示四篇帛书中道生法的思维过程。

    It focus on the internal logical structure of the Huang Di Si Jing . It sought to reveal the thought processes of the four silk manuscripts of .

  26. 简策同帛书、写本抄本刻版同活字印刷图书,相互共存是一个很长的时间。

    Bamboo slips strung together , books copied on silk , hand-written copies , hand-copied books , block-printed editions and movable-type printing books existed for a long time .

  27. 华北地区河北省的一农户家中,发现了两道写于帛书上的明代(1368-1644)圣旨,距今分别为540年和472年。

    Two imperial edicts written on silk scrolls 540 years ago and 472 years ago in the Ming Dynasty ( 1368-1644 ) have been discovered in a villager 's home in north China 's Hebei Province .

  28. 本文对楚帛书甲篇做了新的解读,认为它是我们现在可以看到的中国先秦时期惟一完整的创世神话。

    Based on a new interpretation of Chapter One of the texts on Chu silk , this paper believes that it is the only complete creation myth we can see today of the Pre Qin China .

  29. 许多起简牍、帛书的重大考古发现,足以影响中国古代历史的研究,修正过去人们对古文献传播方式的观点。

    Many important archaeological discoveries of bamboo slips and silk books are sufficient to influence the study of the ancient Chinese history , and to correct the old ideas about the ways of circulation of ancient literatures .

  30. 自1973年长沙马王堆汉墓帛书《战国纵横家书》出土后,对战国纵横家行为和思想的研究上了一个新台阶。

    After excavation of silky book " letters of strategists with vertical or horizontal axis in the Warring States " in Changsha in 1973 , study on actions and thoughts of the strategists has made great advance .
