
  • 网络Brownian particle
  1. 无阻尼布朗粒子二维运动的Monte-Carlo模拟

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Undamped Brownian Particle 's Two-dimensional Motion

  2. 含OU色噪声的布朗粒子定态几率密度

    Stationary Probability Density of Brownian Particle Driven by OU Colored Noise

  3. 本文试图讨论布朗粒子运动的记忆效应,应用投影算子方法,在布朗运动随机动力学方程的基础上,引进函数H(t)。它描述了速度对位移的影响。

    In this article , we investigate the memory effect of Brownian movement by using the projective operator method .

  4. 而气相对粒子湍流扩散的影响则由类似于布朗粒子扩散的MonteCarlo方法来描述,实现了对确定性轨道模型的修正。

    To determine the particle trajectory , the description of the influence of the gas phase on the turbulence diffusion of particles is based on the Monte Carlo method of Blown particle diffusion .

  5. 色燥声驱动的布朗粒子在周期势场中的运动

    Brownian motion in a periodic potential driven by colored noise

  6. 内噪声对布朗粒子非线性驰豫的影响

    Effect of internal noise on nonlinear relaxation for brownian particle

  7. 在势阱中的布朗粒子逃逸问题的研究

    Study of the escape problem of a Brownian particle in a potential well

  8. 光阱中布朗粒子动力学分析

    Dynamic analysis for a Brownian particle in optical trap

  9. 活性布朗粒子运动的稳态解

    Stationary solution of motion of active Brownian particle

  10. 布朗粒子越过位垒的逃逸速率

    The escape of Brownian particle over potential barriers

  11. 布朗粒子的运动及其应用

    Brownian particles movement and its application

  12. 布朗粒子的轨迹,由各种尺寸的折线连成。

    Brown , the particle tracks from all kinds of Liancheng size of the broken line .

  13. 布朗粒子的速度分布函数

    Velocity distribution function of Brownian particles

  14. 研究布朗粒子的输运过程可以为开发分子马达提供理论指导。

    The investigation on the transport processes of Brownian particle provides theoretical guidance for developing molecular motors .

  15. 研究了在锯齿型周期势场中运动的布朗粒子的平均输运行为。

    The average feature of the transport for a Brownian particle moving in a ratchet periodic potential is studied .

  16. 我们发现布朗粒子的运动受到了通道形状的影响。

    It is found that the motion of the Brownian particles is influenced by the shape of the channel .

  17. 二维空间具变阻尼阵的布朗粒子运动的朗之万方程是一个二维二阶的微分方程,我们将其转化为一个三维的一阶随机微分方程来讨论。

    The equation of the Brownian particle activated in two-dimension space is an partial differential equation with two-order of two-dimension .

  18. 结果表明布朗粒子与微通道的相对大小、布朗粒子在微通道中的相对位置和微通道表面的粗糙性,都会对布朗粒子的扩散系数产生影响;

    The effect of particle relative diameter , position and microchannel roughness on the diffusion of colloidal particle were investigated .

  19. 对于单个布朗粒子的情形,我们给出了统一的微扰解析解,它对大、小阻尼情形均适用。

    For the single Brownian particle case , we give unified perturbative analytic expressions valid for both large and small friction cases .

  20. 棘皮类海羊齿科的一属;以前被称为放射状海百合或海羊齿。具有随机两态势的布朗粒子摇摆棘齿模型

    A genus of echinoderms of the family Antedonidae ; formerly called genus Comatula . Brownian Ratchet with a Position-dependent Two-state Random Perturbation

  21. 本文从特征函数导出了布朗粒子的速度分布函数,并对结果进行了讨论。

    The velocity distribution function of Brownian particles is derived from the characteristic function , and the meaning of the result is discussed .

  22. 本文研究了由简谐噪声驱动的布朗粒子在分段势场中的逃逸,此系统可由一个高维的马尔科夫化的朗之万方程组来描述,进而可以得到相应的福克-普朗克方程。

    This system can be described by a high dimensional Langevin equations which is Markovian type , then we can get the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation .

  23. 研究了非对称双稳势中受周期力和乘性色噪声作用的过阻尼布朗粒子的随机共振现象。

    The SR phenomenon of an overdamped Brown particle in an asymmetric bistable potential , driven by external periodical signal and multiplicative noise is investigated .

  24. 在含有耦合的乘性色噪声和加性白噪声的周期性和准周期性系统中,我们分析了噪声诱导的布朗粒子的输运现象。

    The phenomenon of noise-induced transport of Brownian particles in periodic and quasi-periodic systems with coupling between multiplicative colored noise and additive white noises is investigated .

  25. 将布朗粒子的定向运动,看作是系统受到外部非平衡涨落作用的结果,并建立相应的扩散模型。

    The direct motion of Brownian particle is considered as a result of system derived by external non-equilibrium fluctuation . A corresponding diffusion model is proposed .

  26. 提出了非线性电阻中载流子是一类在空间分布型摩擦系数环境中运动的布朗粒子。

    The excess charge carrier in the nonlinear resistance is proposed to be a kind of Brownian particles moving in the environment with space distribution friction coefficient .

  27. 结果表明:非对称锯齿势,外部含时闪烁力及加性色噪声协调与联合作用,可使布朗粒子做梯跳或锯齿运动。

    This result exhibits that the cooperative effects caused by asymmetric ratchet potential , external flashing force and additive colored noise set a Brownian particle in the directed stepping motion .

  28. 提出一种稳定和精确的坐标变换和闭合积分方法,用以求解描述周期势场中布朗粒子作定向运动的乘性朗之万方程。

    A stable and accurate integral closed algorithm is presented , which is used to solve multiplicative Langevin equation describing the directed motion of a particle in a periodic potential .

  29. 近年来,对周期结构系统中布朗粒子在热涨落驱动下运动的研究成为非平衡态统计物理理论的前沿课题。

    In recent years , the research on the transport of Brownian particle driven by fluctuation in periodic structure system has become the foreland problem of the non-equilibrium statistical physics .

  30. 将生物马达蛋白协调定向运动看作是布朗粒子的运动结果,得到了在内外噪声共同驱动下布朗粒子定态几率流的表达式。

    Direct motion of the single motor protein is treated as motion of Brownian particle in the paper . The expansion of sationary probability current is derived for the Brownian particle driven by internal and external noises simultaneously .