
  • 网络bramante;Donato Bramante
  1. 今年10月发布了令人失望的第三季度业绩之后,IBM首席执行长罗梅蒂(VirginiaRometty)将负责成长市场的高级副总裁布拉曼特(JamesBramante)调职。

    Following disappointing third-quarter results in October , CEO Virginia Rometty reassigned James Bramante , the IBM senior vice president who ran growth markets .

  2. 布拉曼特是罗马圣彼得大教堂的设计师。

    Bramante was the architect of St peter 's Cathedral in rome .

  3. 布拉曼特移居罗马带来了文艺复兴时期的高潮(约1500~1520)。

    Donato Bramante 's move to Rome ushered in the High Renaissance ( c.1500-20 ) .