
  • 网络mva;Market Value Added;MVA MVA;MAV
  1. 通过上述分析,本文的结论是:经济增加值较其他指标能够更好地解释市场增加值的变化,从而更适合作为绩效考核指标。

    Through the above analysis , the conclusion of this paper is that EVA can explain more about the change of MVA and therefore is more suitable to act as an indicator for performance appraisal .

  2. 市场增加值MVA可弥补EVA的不足。

    Market Value Added will compensate for deficiency of EVA .

  3. 经过大量的实证研究发现,经济增加值与MVA的相关程度最高。利用经济增加值(EconomicValueAdded,以下简称EVA)可以合理地解释市场增加值的变动。

    After massive research , people found that EVA ( Economic Value Added , Hereafter refers to as EVA ) possibly to explain the change of the MVA .

  4. 最简单和直接的办法是计算其市场增加值(MVA,MarketValueAdded),即上市公司的市值减去企业全部资本投入。

    Simple and the direct means is calculating its market value added ( MVA , Market Value Added ), Namely the market company 's market value subtract the enterprise complete capital investment .

  5. 市场增加值MVA,PGV和EVA的结合,可以为投资决策提供全面的方向性指导。

    The combination of MVA , PGV and EVA can provide the perfect direction of investment decision .

  6. 第三部分通过与会计利润指标、现金流量指标以及市场增加值比较分析得出经济增加值(EVA)可以有效的衡量公司治理目标;

    The third section compares and analysis the profit measurement , cash-flow measurement , MVA and EVA , then get a conclusion that EVA is the best way to measurement the object of corporate governance .

  7. 第二章,EVA与公司价值创造,讲述了EVA与市场增加值MVA,EVA对我国上市公司整体业绩的分析,EVA创造价值的途径;

    In the second chapter , EVA and creating company value , the relationship between EVA and MVA ( Market Value Added ) is analyzed , and the main results from evaluating the country 's listed companies through EVA method are introduced .

  8. MVA(MarketValueAdded)即市场价值增加值,它是以资产市场价值为基础的业绩考核指标。

    Market Value Added ( MVA ) is the performance evaluation index based on assets market value .

  9. 加纳表示,1990年,中国和其它新兴市场的制造业增加值总计只占世界的14%。

    In 1990 , says Mr Garner , China and other emerging markets accounted for just 14 per cent of manufacturing value added .