
  • 网络pasteurized milk
  1. 添加乳铁蛋白对延长巴氏奶贮存时间的影响研究

    Study on Effect of Lactoferrin on Extending Shelf-life of Pasteurized Milk

  2. 盒装巴氏奶货架期的快速预测

    Rapid method for predicting the potential shelf life of packaged pasteurized milk

  3. 采用阻抗法进行盒装巴氏奶货架期预测。

    Estimation of potential shelf life of packaged pasteurized milk utilizing impedance method was studied .

  4. 对于零售商而言,在一定条件下采取基于货架期的巴氏奶捆绑销售定价方案能够获得更高的利润。

    In some conditions , adopting bundling selling based on shelf life can bring higher profits to retailers .

  5. 本文对添加乳铁蛋白延长巴氏奶贮存时间进行了研究。

    It was studied in this paper that pasteurized milk 's shelf-life can be extended by adding lactoferrin .

  6. 物流业的发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,对巴氏奶冷链物流提出了更高的要求。

    The development of logistics industry and the continuous improvement of people living standards put forward higher request for pasteurized milk cold-chain logistics .

  7. 从整个评估过程来看,流通领域的温度和时间是影响巴氏奶安全性的主要因素。

    Temperature and time of pasteurized milk in the period of end products from factories to consumers are the most important factors for safety .

  8. 而巴氏奶冷链物流配送中心作为连接巴氏奶生产企业和零售商的中间桥梁,对保证巴氏奶的供应量的品质安全上起着极其重要的作用。

    While the pasteurized milk cold-chain distribution center plays an extremely important role to ensure the quality of pasteurized milk as a bridge between the production enterprises and the retailers .

  9. 多功能牛奶饮料生产线可生产,鲜奶、巴氏奶、酸奶、果味型酸奶、果汁,调配型果汁,茶饮料,雪糕冰淇淋等。

    Multifunctional milk beverage production line can , milk , yogurt , fruit pasteurized milk , yogurt , fruit juice taste type , allocate type fruit juice , tea beverages , ice cream and ice cream .

  10. 为了使零售商的价格决策能反映易腐食品的质量波动,在分析微生物预测模型及有效划分市场消费群的基础上,以巴氏奶为例建立了基于货架期的易腐食品捆绑销售模型。

    In order to make the retailer 's pricing decision reflect the quality fluctuation of perishable foods , the bundling selling model based on the shelf life for perishable foods was established by taking pasteurized milk as illustration after effectively partitioning customer-groups among the whole market .

  11. 合理的添加LPS保鲜剂不会影响巴氏杀菌奶、UHT奶和酸奶产品的加工及产品的风味。

    Ad - dition of LPS neither influenced the flavor of pasteurized milk , UHT milk and yogurt , nor the fermentation of yogurt .

  12. 方法:使用放射免疫分析法,测定了4种原乳、4种巴氏杀菌奶、4种UHT奶、4种国内外奶粉配制奶中的IGF-I和EGF水平。

    Methods : The concentrations of IGF-I and EGF in four kinds of raw milk , four kinds of pasteurized milk , four kinds of UHT milk , four kinds of domestic and overseas reconstituted milk were measured by radioimmunoassay ( RIA ) technique .

  13. 巴氏杀菌奶用复合添加剂的研制

    The Research and Development of the Compound Food Additives in Pasteurism Milk

  14. 巴氏杀菌奶(消毒牛奶)中低温菌对产品保存期的影响

    Psychrotrophic Bacteria in Pasteurised Milk : Influence on Shelf-life

  15. 用酸的生奶制黄油后的剩余物;或加培养细菌使之凝固的巴氏杀菌奶。

    Residue from making butter from sour raw milk ; or pasteurized milk curdled by adding a culture .

  16. 由保藏期实验可知,超声波处理后再经巴氏处理的超声巴氏奶保藏时间最长,能保藏8天左右,比未处理的巴氏奶延长4天左右。

    According to the preservation experiment , ultrasound pasteurized milk has the longest preservation time for about 8 days , which increases 4 days than that of pasteurized milk .