- 名barbituric acid

Content of MDA was detected by thio - barbituric acid technique .
Effect of barbituric acid on the B-Z the oscillating chemical reaction and its analytical application
The MDA level of lung homogenates was measured by Thiobarbituric Acid Test .
Ovarian tissue malonaldehyde ( MDA ) was determined with thiobarbituric acid test ;
The activity of SOD and concentration of MDA in blood serum were measured .
Thiobarbituric acid measured MDA content at different time points in each group in the cell culture supernatant .
The plasma SOD and MDA content were determined in 50 % ⅲ° burn dogs with delayed fluid replacement .
SOD activity of each group was checked with chemiluminescence method and MDA content examined with thiobarbituric acid colourimetry method .
The content of malondialdehyde ( MDA ) in the serum was estimated with thiobarbituric acid .
Effects of microwave irradiating time on the thiobarbituric acid value and vitamin E content in vegetable oils were investigated .
Methods Revolving round bottle and 2-thiobarbituric acid ( TBA ) fluorescence micro-determination were used .
Methods : The serum content of NO , MDA and SOD were measured respectively by nitrate reductase , thiobarbituric acid and xanthine oxidase methods .
Oxidation products of unsaturated systems produce a color reaction with thiobarbituric acid ( TBA ) .
Malondialdehyde ( MDA ) content was determined by thiobarbiturate method and the activity of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) was estimated by nitrite salt assay .
SOD activities in RBC and liver were measured by xanthine oxidase method . Serum and hepatic MDA contents were assayed according to thiobarbituric acid method .
Influence of some-ch_2ch_2n ( ch_3 or c_2h_5 ) _2-containing drugs on TBA and Ultraweak Chemiluminescence of radiated erythrocyte membrane
The contents of protein and MDA in cytoplasm and mitochondria were assayed by methods of Lowry and TBA respectively ;
A method for determination of lipid peroxides ( LPO ) was established with thiobarbituric acid reaction without precipitating protein .
By using thiobarbituric acid reaction and adrenaline method , the plasma malondialdehyde ( MDA ) and erythrocyte superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) were measured in 52 patiens with epilepsy .
Plasma and gastric mucosa concentrations of malonaldehyde ( MDA ), production of lipid peroxidation were assayed in 96 patients with chronic gastric diseases and 40 patients with gastric cancer .
The oxidative modification of LDL was identified by agarose gel relative electrophoretic mobility ( REM ) and fluorescence of thiobarbituric acid reaction substances ( TBARS ) contents .
The structures of substituted aniline barbituric acid derivatives were optimized with DFT / B3LYP method at 6-31G basis set .
Throughout the whole ripening period , TVB-N and thiobarbituric acid ( TBA ) exhibited no significant difference between the protease-treated group and the control group ( P > 0.05 ) .
Method Malondialdehyde ( MDA ) content was examined on the basis of quantitative reaction of both MDA and thiobarbituric acid ( TBA ), and electrolyte leaking was determined with conductometer model DDS 11A .
Methods : Blood samples of 30 GDM and 45 unrelated normal controls were used to measure MDA , SOD and NO levels with methods of TBA , xanthine oxidase and nitric reductase .
METHODS : Pyrogallol method and thiobarbituric acid method were used to determinate the levels of SOD and MDA , respectively , in the cells cultured for 0-54 days .
Serum quinone reductase ( QR ), ALT , LDH and CK activities were determined with enzyme dynamic methods . Liver malondialdehyde ( MDA ) content was measured by the method of thiobarbituric acid .
The measurement of SOD vigour , MDA quantity , contents of HyP and the changes of the histomorphology of the skin were by xanthinoxidase , TBA , alkaline hydrolysis and HE staining methods individually .
The changes of contents of malondialdehyde ( MDA ) and serum creatine kinase ( CK ) of rats under I / R were determined with the methods of thiobarbituric acid and creatine fixation respectively .
Methods : Asthma models of guinea_pig were prepared and the level of MT and malondiadehyde ( MDA ) were measured in the tissues of liver , heart , kidney , lung and the plasma of guinea_p ig .