
  • 网络BARABBAS;Barabba;Barraba
  1. 有一出名的囚犯叫巴拉巴。

    And they had then a notable prisoner , called Barabbas .

  2. 是巴拉巴呢。是称为基督的耶稣呢。

    Barabbas , or Jesus which is called Christ ?

  3. 他们又喊着说,不要这人,要巴拉巴。

    Then cried they all again , saying , Not this man , but Barabbas .

  4. 这巴拉巴是个强盗。

    Now Barabbas was a robber .

  5. 众人却一齐喊着说:“除掉这个人!释放巴拉巴给我们!”

    18With one voice they cried out ," Away with this man ! Release Barabbas to us !"

  6. 释放巴拉巴给我们!

    Release Barabbas to us !

  7. 巴拉巴按蚊人工交配中雄蚊蚊龄与受精率的关系

    The relationship between the male ages and the rate of insemination in the artificial copulation of Anopheles BALABACENSIS

  8. 祭司长和长老怂恿群众,叫他们去要求释放巴拉巴,除掉耶稣。

    But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas , and destroy Jesus .

  9. 这巴拉巴是因在城里作乱杀人,下在监里的。

    19 ( Barabbas had been thrown into prison for an insurrection in the city , and for murder . )

  10. 只是祭司长挑唆众人、宁可释放巴拉巴给他们。

    [ kjv ] But the chief priests moved the people , that he should rather release Barabbas unto them .

  11. 于是彼拉多释放巴拉巴给他们、把耶稣鞭打了、交给人钉十字架。

    Then released he Barabbas unto them : and when he had scourged jesus , he delivered him to be crucified .

  12. 约十八40他们又喊著说,不要这人,要巴拉巴。这巴拉巴是个强盗。

    Jn . 18:40 Then they cried out again , saying , Not this man , but Barabbas . Now Barabbas was a robber .

  13. 5彼拉多想要叫群众满意,就释放巴拉巴给他们,将耶稣鞭打了,交给人钉十字架。

    5 and pilate , wishing to satisfy the crowd , released to them Barabbas and scourged Jesus and delivered him up to be crucified .

  14. 有一个人名叫巴拉巴,和作乱的人一同捆绑。他们作乱的时后,曾杀过人。

    And there was one named Barabbas , which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him , who had committed murder in the insurrection .

  15. 众人聚集的时候,彼拉多就对他们说,你们要我释放那一个给你们?巴拉巴,还是称为基督的耶稣?

    Therefore when they were gathered together , Pilate said to them , whom do you want me to release to you ? Barabbas or Jesus who is called christ ?

  16. 十二年前,巴拉巴约旦,另外一个德克萨斯妇女,巴拉巴在这个大会上作了政策演讲,两个妇女在一百六十年来都是关于这个方针的一般标准。

    Twelve years ago Barbara Jordan , another Texas woman , Barbara made the keynote address to this convention , and two women in a hundred and sixty years is about par for the course .