
  • 网络Palestinian Territory;Palestine
  1. 属于或关于巴勒斯坦地区、巴勒斯坦居民的。

    Of or relating to the area of Palestine and its inhabitants .

  2. 到了耶稣时代,所有巴勒斯坦地区,都不同程度地希腊化了。

    By Jesus'time , all of Palestine was Hellenized to some extent , only to different degrees .

  3. 第十八王朝时期埃及在叙利亚和巴勒斯坦地区的统治

    Egyptian Ruling in Syria-Palestine during Dynasty 18

  4. 城市治理方法&加拿大城市能力建设方法在巴勒斯坦地区的应用

    A Canadian Approach to Urban Governance : Lessons Learned from Municipal Capacity-Building in the Palestinian Territories

  5. 然而,鲍威尔强调如果要和平进程取得进展,巴勒斯坦地区的军事组织活动发布被制止。

    However Powell warned Palestian militants must be stopped if the peace progress to be succeed .

  6. 如果按西方发达国家的标准,那么巴勒斯坦地区无疑是个贫穷和落后的地方了。

    According to Western standards of developed countries , then the Palestinian areas is poor and backward place .

  7. 在约旦河西岸,巴勒斯坦地区的女性赛车手定制普通车与建立团队男性竞争。

    Palestine 's girl racers customise ordinary cars to compete against established male teams across the West Bank .

  8. 恢复巴勒斯坦地区的行动自由,使普通人能够恢复工作和正常生活。

    Restore freedom of movement in the Palestinian areas so that innocents can resume work and normal life .

  9. 5·17白皮书前后巴勒斯坦地区的多重矛盾

    Conflicts of Palestine before May 17 ~ ( th ) " White Paper " Issued and after it Regional Construction

  10. 占领巴勒斯坦地区产生的党派斗争在日益削弱它解救自己的能力。

    The partisan battles engendered by its occupation of Palestinian territory render it less and less able to pull itself free .

  11. 与此同时,感到非常痛苦的人的比率为17%,比苏丹、巴勒斯坦地区和伊拉克还高。

    Meanwhile the ' suffering ' 17 per cent is a higher figure than Sudan , the Palestinian Territories , and Iraq .

  12. 巴勒斯坦地区的自然边界西岸和加沙地区分别是约旦河和地中海。

    The natural geographic boundaries for the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea , respectively .

  13. 奥巴马宣布,他将重启中东和平进程,并要求以色列停止在巴勒斯坦地区修建新的移民点。

    The president announced that he would reinvigorate the Middle East peace process and demanded a halt to new Israeli settlements on Palestinian land .

  14. 国务卿赖斯表示,美国对巴勒斯坦地区的人道主义现状十分担心并愿意加倍努力帮助巴勒斯坦国。

    Secretary Rice said the United States is very concerned about the humanitarian conditions in the Palestinian territories and would re-double its efforts to help .

  15. 1950年约旦吞并了巴勒斯坦地区,但只有英国和巴基斯坦两个国家承认。

    In1950 , Jordan annexed the Palestinian territory that it occupied , but the only other countries that recognized this acquisition were the United Kingdom and Pakistan .

  16. 二战后初期美英苏在巴勒斯坦地区的争夺&美英苏对以色列建国问题的影响

    America , Britain and USSR 's contests in Palestine in early days after World War ⅱ & America , Britain and USSR 's influence for the question of building the state of Israel

  17. 2000年,沙龙在一个武装警察小分队的陪同下到访圣殿山,标志着被称为第二次起义的巴勒斯坦地区血腥暴力冲突期的开始。

    Mr. Sharon 's visit in 2000 to the Temple Mount , accompanied by a contingent of armed police , marked the start of a period of swirling Palestinian violence known as the second Intifada .

  18. 牛津大学“用数据看世界”的最新数据显示,以色列每100人就有119剂疫苗,而在巴勒斯坦地区,每100人仅有2.81剂疫苗。

    While Israel has distributed 119 doses per 100 people , just 2.81 doses per 100 have been given in the Palestinian territories , recent data from Our World in Data at Oxford University showed .

  19. 控制着巴勒斯坦地区的哈马斯武装分支在一场纪念活动上发出了以上警告,该纪念活动是为纪念今年夏天在以色列入侵加沙行动中死亡的儿童而举行。

    The armed wing of Hamas , which controls the Palestinian region , has issued the warning during a ceremony to commemorate the children killed during this summer 's offensive by Israeli forces in Gaza .

  20. 第二部分:论述20世纪30年代巴勒斯坦地区犹太人反抗英国人的斗争,英国人不断地偏袒犹太人的利益导致巴地区犹太人的力量发展壮大。

    Part II : Discusses 30 years of the 20th century Jewish Palestine the struggle against the British , the British continue to favor the interests of the Jews led to the power of Jews in Palestinian areas to grow .

  21. 英国撤出后巴勒斯坦地区的冲突原因是多方面的,过多地指责英国有失公允,美国和联合国也有不可推卸的责任。

    After the British withdraw , the conflicts in the Palestine area were caused by many factors , and it is unfair to blame Britain too much because the USA and the UN could not shirk their responsibilities on the issue .

  22. 休斯说,他访问了193个联合国所有成员国以及台湾、梵蒂冈城、巴勒斯坦地区、科索沃、西撒哈拉以及4个英国的家乡民族地区之后,他有了4本盖满印章的护照。

    Hughes said he had filled four full passports by the time he visited all 193 United Nations member states , as well as Taiwan , Vatican City , the Palestinian territory , Kosovo , Western Sahara and the four home nations of Britain .

  23. 二战期间犹太人必须和英国人站在同一战线反抗德国势力的扩张;另一方面英国对犹太人在巴勒斯坦地区的移民和购地进行了限制,这就无疑阻碍了犹太人在巴勒斯坦的建国计划。

    Jews and the British during World War II to be on the same front against the German forces in the expansion ; the other British Jews in the Palestinian areas of immigration and land purchase were limited , which undoubtedly prevented the Jews in the Palestinian state-building plan .

  24. 同时,联合国秘书长潘基文说,下星期他将前往以色列和被占领的巴勒斯坦地区,以及该地区的一些首都,帮助推动外交努力。他说:“但是我并不认为,我们能等到那个时候才结束暴力。我们必须现在就结束暴力。”

    Meanwhile , U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he would go Israel , the occupied Palestinian territory and some regional capitals next week to help push diplomacy forward . " But I do not believe we can wait until then to end the violence , " said Ban Ki-moon . " We must achieve that now . "

  25. 更糟糕的是,正如英国首相戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)在土耳其指出的,在无情的围困下,加沙与巴勒斯坦其它地区已彻底隔离。

    Worse still , as David Cameron highlighted in Turkey , Gaza is totally separated from the rest of Palestine by a brutal siege .

  26. 前者旨在以最小成本获得最大收益,后者坚持大以色列信仰,致力于在巴勒斯坦整个地区建立犹太人的国家。

    The former is aimed at getting the largest gains with the smallest cost , while the latter , the Jewish country in the whole Palestine directed by Big Israel belief .

  27. 他说,以色列允许来自约旦河西岸定居点的五支球队在以色列联赛中比赛,尽管他们位于巴勒斯坦控制地区,这一行为违反了国际足联的规定。

    Israel , he said , has violated FIFA rules by allowing five teams from West Bank settlements to play in Israeli leagues even though they are in occupied Palestinian territory .

  28. 但是这片区域是在分界区“绿线”的另一边,而国际社会认为属于巴勒斯坦西岸地区所有。

    But it lies on the other side of the so-called " Green Line " demarcation zone and is considered by the international community to be part of the Palestinian West Bank .

  29. 加利利由大希律王的儿子希律·安提帕统治,之后希律王的各个后裔统治了,巴勒斯坦各个地区数年。

    Galilee was ruled by a son of Herod the Great , Herod Antipas , and different descendants of Herod would rule in different parts of Palestine for many years after that .

  30. 从巴勒斯坦从加沙地区发射的火箭在以色列社区爆炸。

    Palestinians fired rockets from the region of Gaza that exploded in Israeli communities .