
  • 网络Barkhausen Noise
  1. 以巴克豪森噪声(BN)原理为基础测量曲轴热处理后残余应力。

    Based on Barkhausen Noise ( BN ), heat treatment residual stresses of crankshafts were practically measured .

  2. 试验结果表明,巴克豪森噪声强度值MP与铁磁材料的硬度值之间存在单调的关系曲线。

    Experimental results indicated that there is a monotonic relationship between the hardness of ferro magnetic materials and Barkhausen Noise strength , MP .

  3. 研究了焊接贝氏体-奥氏体钢管贝氏体钢侧显微组织变化和残余应力分布对巴克豪森噪声(BN)的影响。

    The effects of change in microstructure and residual stress distribution on Barkhausen noise ( BN ) on the bainitic steel side in a welded bainitic and austenitic steel pipe are studied .

  4. 由于用GMR材料制成的集成化传感器存在较高的巴克豪森噪声,影响了集成化传感器系统的分辨率和稳定性、限制了它的应用。

    However , there is high Barkhausen noise in the integration sensor making by GMR materials , it affect the resolution ratio and stability of integration sensor , and imprison its applications .

  5. 利用巴克豪森噪声无损测量铁磁材料硬度试验研究

    Research on Nondestructive Hardness Testing of Ferromagnetic Material by Barkhausen Noise

  6. 钢的硬度对磁巴克豪森噪声检测参数的影响

    The effect of steel hardness on Magnetic Barkhausen noise measurement parameter

  7. 巴克豪森噪声在应力及疲劳损伤检测上的应用

    Barkhausen Noise Application in the Detection of Stress and Fatigue Damage

  8. 用巴克豪森噪声测量铁磁材料拉伸损伤的实验研究

    Experimental Researches on Tension Damage in a Ferro-Magnetic Material Using Barkhausen Noise

  9. 用巴克豪森噪声法测量铁磁材料的硬度

    Measurement of Hardness of Ferro-magnetic Materials Using Barkhausen Noise Method

  10. 结果表明可以利用巴克豪森噪声来测量铁磁材料的晶粒大小。

    BN signal testing were considered to be a better way for grain size .

  11. 负责对轴承零件的磁粉,酸洗,涡流和巴克豪森噪声检查。

    Be responsible for MPI , STE , ECI & barkhausen noise inspection on bearing component .

  12. 通过实验研究了巴克豪森噪声强度与铁磁材料表面硬度之间的关系。

    The relationship between the surface hardness of ferromagnetic material and the intensity of Barkhausen noise was studied .

  13. 研究了铁磁材料的晶粒度与巴克豪森噪声的强度和波形特征参数之间的关系。

    The relationships between the grain size of ferromagnetic material and the strength and waveform characteristic parameters of Barkhausen noise ( BN ) were studied .

  14. 与各向异性磁阻效应和巨磁阻效应相比,高频磁阻抗效应传感技术灵敏度高、无巴克豪森噪声、适合常温、低磁场检测。

    Compared with anisotropic magnetoresistance effect and giant magnetoresistance effect , the sensitivity using HFMI technique is much higher at room temperature and in low magnetic field .

  15. 根据铁磁学理论介绍了巴克豪森噪声产生的机制,并研制出巴克豪森信号传感器及信号采集处理系统。

    On the basis of ferromagnetic theory , the mechanism of Barkhausen noise was introduced , and the signal transducer and sampling-processing system for the measurement of residual stress of ferromagnetic materials were developed .

  16. 应用巴克豪森磁噪声技术对连杆螺栓硬度的测定

    Hardness measurement of conrod bolt using Magnetic Barkhausen noise

  17. 介绍了应用巴克豪森磁噪声和磁声发射技术研制的多功能磁弹性仪的原理、结构、特性以及应用。

    Described are the principle , structure , characteristics and applications of the magnetoelastic instrumentation by Barkhausen noise and magnetoacoustic emission technique .

  18. 因巴克豪森效应在试样表面接收线圈中产生的电压脉冲和噪声称为巴克豪森噪声。

    The voltage pulse and noise in receiving coils positioned on the workpiece surface tested due to Barkhausen effect was called Barkhausen noise .