
ɡǒnɡ mó yán
  • scleritis
巩膜炎 [gǒng mó yán]
  • [sclerotitis;scleritis] 巩膜的炎症

  1. 急性发热性嗜中性皮肤病(Sweet综合征)伴结节性红斑和前巩膜炎1例报道

    Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis ( Sweet 's syndrome ) with erythema nodosum and anterior scleritis . A case report

  2. 吸烟可延迟巩膜外层炎及巩膜炎对治疗的反应

    Smoking delays the response to treatment in episcleritis and scleritis

  3. 目的探讨伴表层巩膜炎的皮质类固醇性青光眼的手术治疗方法。

    Objective : To investigate surgical methods for corticosteroid glaucoma with episcleritis .

  4. 大剂量甲基强的松龙静脉内冲击疗法治疗顽固性巩膜炎

    High dose Methylprednisolone intravenous pulse therapy for severe refractory scleritis

  5. 一项随机双盲临床试验表面使用酮咯酸对比人工泪液在治疗表层巩膜炎患者中的作用

    A randomised , double-blind trial of topical ketorolac vs artificial tears for the treatment of episcleritis

  6. 结论:静脉内大剂量甲基强的松龙冲击疗法治疗巩膜炎疗效高、作用快、副反应轻,是一种理想的治疗方法。

    Conclusions : High dose Methy prednisolone intravenous pulse therapy for severe scleritis was effective and safe , and to be an ideal method .

  7. 方法对17例29眼伴表层巩膜炎的皮质类固醇性青光眼在炎症缓解期施行强滤过的小梁切除术,术后3~4天施行前房重建术。

    Methods : 17 cases ( 29 eyes ) of corticosteroid glaucoma with episcleritis were performed trabeculectomy with filtering excessively after inflammation , 3 ~ 4days after the operation , all cases were performed the surgery on anterior chamber reconstruction .