  • consolidate;make firm
  • a surname
  • 坚固,结实,使牢固:~固。~膜。

  • 用皮革捆东西:“~用黄牛之革”。

  • 姓。

  1. 香港民航处前处长乐巩南(peterknlok)指出,中国已经具备了制造飞机的技术能力,但还不会制造辅助部件。

    Peter kn Lok , a former director of civil aviation in Hong Kong , points out that China already has the technological capability to produce aircraft but it does not yet make ancillary parts .

  2. 我想要关于劳夫巩特尔卡勃的医药挡案。

    I want the medical file on a Rolf Gunther kolb .

  3. 巩丽是个天才的演员,她对表演非常有经验。

    Gong Li is talented and she is experienced in acting .

  4. 巩乃斯荒漠、半荒漠草原昆虫群落研究初探

    The Insect Communities of the Desert and Semidesert Grassland in Kunes Region

  5. 宋代佛教与官府财政的关系&以曾巩与苏轼的见解为例

    The Relationship Between Buddhism in the Song Dynasty and Feudal Official Finance

  6. 浅析新疆巩乃斯河重金属时空分异特征

    Seasonal and spatial distribution of heavy metals in Kunes river , xinjiang

  7. 第三章为曾巩的文学思想与其创作实践。

    The third part studies his literature thinking and practice .

  8. 我想查询一下一个叫巩特尔卡勃的病人情况。

    I am inquiring about a patient called Gunther kolb .

  9. 巩特尔一直躲在那里。

    Gunther had been hiding in there all the time .

  10. 当然了,被巩特尔打败他当然生气了。

    Weii , she 's certainiy angry about being defeated by gunther .

  11. 新疆巩乃斯河水中微量重金属元素的特征分析

    Characteristic analysis of trace heavy metal elements of Kunes River

  12. 这部电影由巩利和周星驰主演。

    The film features Gong Li and Zhou Xingchi .

  13. 明太祖洪武七年(1374)置巩昌府西固城等千户所。

    Ming Hongwu years ( 1374 ) Housegong chang home Xigu City by1000 .

  14. 曾巩墓志铭之特色及其价值

    The Characteristics and Value of Zeng Gong ' Epitaphs

  15. 水工建巩物土壤地基的沉降量与地基中的应力分布

    Settlement Analysis of Soil Foundations of Hydraulic Structures and Stress Distribution in Foundations

  16. 但面前的可是一场难解的巩突。

    But they soon faced a terrible conflict .

  17. 曾巩文学思想研究

    Research on the Literature Thinking of Zeng Gong

  18. 邢窑、定窑和巩窑白瓷显微结构的对比分析

    Comparative analyses on the microstructure of white porcelains from Xing , Ding and Gong kilns

  19. 不,卡伦只有五巩六英寸,她穿这件衣服看上去很美,不是吗?

    No. Karen is five six , and she looks wonderful , doesn 't she ?

  20. 自从她的第一部影片,巩丽已经主演了许多其他的成功影片。

    Since her first film , Gong Li has starred in many other successful films .

  21. 其中以欧阳修为主,以曾巩、王安石为两翼。

    Among them , Xiu-based , with Zeng Gong , Wang Anshi and the two wings .

  22. 新疆巩乃斯河中岛屿植物成分的组合结构

    Composite Structure of Plant Components on the Aits in the Kunes River , Ili , Xinjiang

  23. 巩特尔和哈根呢?

    Where are Gunther and hagen ?

  24. 安徽大巩山&荣渡地区金矿包裹体地球化学研究

    Study on Geochemistry of Fluid Inclusion in Gold Deposit from Dagongshan ─ Rongdu District , Anhui Province

  25. 他作一次支持条约的有力讲话,巩崮了他对条约的承诺。

    He solidified his commitment to the treaty by giving a forceful speech in favour of it .

  26. 本文采用吸附势理论恢复了荥巩煤田谷山井田煤层含气量变化史。

    Based on adsorption potential theory , the variable history of gas content in Xinggong coalfield was resumed .

  27. 巩立姣是中国历史上在奥运会田赛比赛中获得金牌的运动员。

    Gong Lijiao is the first Chinese athlete to be crowned the Olympic champion in any field event .

  28. 以曾巩为代表的南丰曾氏,是郡邑之望族,江南之大家。

    Nanfeng Zeng Clan represented by Zeng Gong was a distinguish family in both local area and Jiangnan region .

  29. 喀什河、巩乃斯河、特克斯河这三条河在雅马渡口附近汇合,最终形成了伊犁河。

    The Kashi , Kunse and Tekes rivers meet near the Yama Ferry before flowing into the Ili River .

  30. 欧阳修、曾巩论墓志铭&古代传记理论研究之一

    OUYANG Xiu and ZENG Gong 's Views on Epitaph ── A Research into the China 's Ancient Biographic Theory