
  1. 精制巧克力奶油蛋糕是蒙特玛特勒咖啡馆的特色食品。

    Chocolate gateau was a speciality of the Cafe de montmartre .

  2. 该零售巨头称,受污染的几批巧克力奶油糖杏仁蛋糕都来自同一家瑞典供货商,该供货商的产品出口到世界各地的商店。

    The affected batches of almond cake with chocolate and butterscotch all came from the same Swedish supplier which exports to stores across the world , the retailer said .

  3. 汉尼拔.莱克特会大失所望地发现这大块的肉其实是松露巧克力和酒心巧克力奶油蛋糕制成的

    Hannibal Lecter would be gravely disappointed to learn that this hunk of flesh is actually chocolate truffle and rum chocolate butter cream frosting