
ɡōnɡ chénɡ zhì liànɡ shì ɡù
  • engineering qualitative accident
  1. 某高层建筑工程质量事故分析与处理

    The Analysis and Renovation of Construction Quality of a High Building

  2. 工程质量事故具有复杂性、严重性、可变性和多发的特点。

    Engineering quality accidents are usually complex , serious and diverse .

  3. 利用这种方法,可以极大地减少工程质量事故。

    With this method employed , quality failures are extremely reduced .

  4. 某桩基工程质量事故分析及处理

    The analysis of a quality accident remedy of a pile foundation

  5. 工程质量事故处理程序及处理方法

    Discussion on Treatment Process & Methods of Construction Quality Accidents

  6. 某通用厂房工程质量事故检测分析与鉴定

    Testing and appraising for accident of a general workshop building

  7. 当前工程质量事故原因分析及对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure on the present project quality accident reasons

  8. 某工程质量事故的处理

    The treatment of quality accident brought by air raid shelter

  9. 人工挖孔桩常见工程质量事故的剖析及相应对策

    Common Engineering Quality Accident of Manual Digging Pile and Countermeasures

  10. 软弱地基基础工程质量事故分析处理

    Analysis of Engineering Quality Accident and Treatment in Soft Base

  11. 某钢结构涂装工程质量事故分析与处理

    Analysis and treatment of fireproofing coating engineering accident to a steel construction

  12. 灌注桩基础工程质量事故的处理

    Treatment of quality accident of grouting pile foundation construction

  13. 建筑工程质量事故的预防

    Prevention of Accidents from Poor Quality of Constructional Engineering

  14. 某砌体结构工程质量事故原因分析

    Analysis of Quality Accident of A Brickwork Construction Engineering

  15. 建筑工程质量事故的原因分析与预防研究

    Causes Analysis and Prevention Study on Construction Quality Accidents

  16. 略论工程质量事故的责任分担问题

    An investigation on the issue of sharing responsibility for engineering accidents arising from quality

  17. 我国工程质量事故犯罪的立法分析

    Legislative Analysis of Crimes of Construction Quality Accidents

  18. 如果不能做到合理、适度地选择设计标准及设计参数,不合理的技术要求就难免会造成工程质量事故或工程投资的无谓增加。

    Otherwise improper technical requirements may cause quality problems or unnecessary increase of investment .

  19. 对建筑工程质量事故频发的思考

    Considering for the recurrent accidents of building quality

  20. 工程质量事故或存在问题,施工中发生的其他主要问题和建议;

    Project quality accidents or problems , other major problems in construction and relevant suggestion .

  21. 某大酒店顶层环梁工程质量事故分析与处理

    Analysis and Treatment of the Quality Accident of Circle Beam in a Certain Big Wineshop

  22. 重大工程质量事故综合分析

    Comprehensive Analyses on Momentous Construction Quality Accidents

  23. 工业炉窑工程质量事故的分析与处理

    Accident Analysis and Treatment to Industrial Furnace

  24. 某载体桩复合地基的工程质量事故分析和处理

    Analysis and treatment of the accident to a composite foundation using ram-compacted piles with bearing base

  25. 工程质量事故分析与处理教学管见

    Teaching Opinion on the Course of the Analyses and Treatment on the Accident of Project Quality

  26. 建筑工程质量事故发生的原因涉及到设计、施工、监理和业主等相关方面。

    The causes for these accidents are concerned with design , construction , supervising and proprietors .

  27. 近年来建筑工程质量事故已经成为困扰土木工程界的一个世界性问题。

    In recent years , the quality accident of civil engineering is becoming a worldwide problem .

  28. 近年来频繁出现的建筑工程质量事故给国家和人民造成严重损失。

    Recently , the construction quality accidents which occurred frequently caused losses to the country and the people .

  29. 在施工中,由于管理不善,造成部分基桩砼标号低于设计标号,并伴随有断桩等现象的工程质量事故。

    But bad construction control results in some low concrete grade of foundation piles and some broken piles .

  30. 责令施工单位尽快组织进行事故调查,及时报送工程质量事故报告单及调查报告;

    Oblige construction company to promptly arrange accident investigation and timely submit engineering quality accident report and investigation report ;