
  • 网络Industrial machinery;Industry machinery;industrial machines
  1. 加州理工大学的一项研究发现拥有重型工业机械的地区蜂鸟数量更多。

    A study from California Polytechnic University found more hummingbirds in areas with heavy industrial machinery .

  2. 三个月前,在中国以外的市场,来自于汽车制造商和工业机械行业的需求似乎有所上升,使得阿塞洛-米塔尔(arcelormittal)的状况出现好转。

    Three months ago , things were looking up for ArcelorMittal as demand from carmakers and the industrial machinery sector seemed to be holding up in markets outside China .

  3. 一种工业机械手的PLC控制

    PLC Control of a Industry Manipulator

  4. 介绍了PLC在工业机械手控制系统改造中的应用,通过其程序设计,展示了运用功能指令比完全采用基本逻辑指令具有更明显的优点。

    The application of PLC in the rebuilding of industrial manipulator control system was rebuilt . Comparing with the program which uses the basic logic instruction completely , it shows the merit of using functional instruction in the program design .

  5. GB/T5226.1-1996工业机械电气设备第1部分:通用技术条件

    Electrical equipment of industrial machines & Part 1 : General requirements

  6. 工业机械电气设备故障检修方法

    Methods of Examining and Repairing Breakdowns for Electricity-equipments of Industrial Mechanism

  7. 欧洲塑料和橡胶工业机械制造商委员会农业[工业]展览会

    European Committee of Machinery Manufacturers for the Plastics and Rubber Industries

  8. 工业机械手在机械制造工艺中的发展及应用

    The Development and Application of Industrial Manipulator in Machine - building Technics

  9. 大工业机械生产高度发达的今天,手工艺正逐渐消失。

    Today industrial machinery production highly developed , handicraft is gradually disappearing .

  10. 大型工业机械液压仿真试验平台的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Simulate Testing Platform About Hydraulic System for Heavy Mechanism

  11. 按价值计算,最大的投资类别是工业机械。

    The largest category by value is industrial machinery .

  12. 现代设计教育是现代工业机械文明的产物。

    The education of modern design is a product of modern industrial civilization .

  13. 第七名通用电气(所属行业:工业机械)

    No.7 General Electric ( Industry : Industrial Machinery )

  14. 一般工业机械手运动学分析的计算机方法

    A Computer Method of Kinematic Analysis for General Robot

  15. 煤炭工业机械化和设备更新要从我国的实际情况出发,要讲求经济效果。

    The mechanization of mining and renewal of mining equipment should promote the economic $

  16. 文中论述了包装工业机械手的组成、应用状况以及发展趋势。

    Article discusses packaging composition , application situation and development trend of industrial Manipulator .

  17. 工业机械制动器衬片离合器型式:单片、干式、膜片弹簧

    Brake linings for industrial machines Clutch Type Single sheet , dry type , film spring

  18. 我负责向一些亚洲和欧洲国家出口轻工业机械产品。

    I am responsible for exporting light industrial machinery to some Asian and European countries .

  19. 川村隆现任日立旗下两个制造电池和工业机械子公司的董事长。

    He is currently chairman of two Hitachi subsidiaries that make batteries and industrial machinery .

  20. ·工业机械手的各个关节,由于机械上的限制,不能无限角度旋转。

    Each joint of industrial robotic manipulators cannot rotate to any angle because of mechanical constraints .

  21. 在高温、重载、多粉尘的危险环境中,工业机械手的应用就显得尤其重要。

    Under certain high-temperature , over-loading , multi-dust dangerous environment , industrial manipulator is becoming more important .

  22. 工业机械制动器衬片

    Brake linings for industrial machines

  23. 对工业机械手运动轨迹规划和控制的研究,一直受到人们的普遍关注。

    The trajectory planning and its control have been paid enough attention by researchers in the world .

  24. 工业机械手(人)又称通用自动机械手,是一种“独立”的可变程序的自动机械手。

    The industrial manipulator , also called automanipulator , is the automanipulator of a independent varying program .

  25. 摩擦是一种复杂的、非线性的、具有不确定性的自然现象。在现代工业机械系统中,摩擦的存在往往会导致系统出现低速爬行、极限环或振荡等想象。

    Friction is a complex , non-linear and uncertain natural phenomena which will lead to bad performance of mechanical system .

  26. 兵器工业机械加工产品的单位产品原材料消耗指标计算方法的探讨

    Discussion of the ways to calculate the raw material consumption index of unit product in MECHANICAL-WORKING production of ordnance industry

  27. 还列表介绍了常用工业机械用油各品种新旧名称对照。

    The contrast of various new name to old name of industrial machine oil in common use was also tabulated .

  28. 而像农业设备和工业机械等更大型的商品,省下的钱自然要多得多。

    With bigger items , like farming equipment , industrial machinery etc , the savings are naturally much , much greater .

  29. 工业机械电气设备保护接地电路的连续性必须进行测试并满足一定要求。

    The continuance of protective grounding circuits of industrial electro mechanical equipment must be tested and satisfy with the national standard .

  30. 庄红艺的兴趣不在于那些废弃的工业机械,他也不想仅仅以废品作为形式材料。

    Zhuangs interest doesnt lie in the deserted industrial machines , and the rubbish isnt supposed to be forms or materials .