
  • Folk Houses in Western Sichuan;Western Sichuan common people's residence
  1. 川西传统民居建筑装饰元素在现代建筑中的运用研究

    On the Research of the Application of the Traditional Folk Houses ' Decorative Elements in West Sichuan Area in the Modern Architecture

  2. 川西传统民居装饰依附于传统民居建筑实体,体现了大量的地域文化的信息。

    Traditional dwellings alienates from traditional western sichuan local-style dwelling houses building decoration , which reflects the large entity regional cultural information .

  3. 在灾后重建民居建筑上如何重现川西传统民居装饰的面貌,对传统的地域文化进行传承,是灾后重建中必须要考虑的问题。

    In the post-disaster reconstruction local-style dwelling houses building sichuan on how to reproduce the face of traditional dwellings , for the traditional decoration of regional culture heritage , the post-disaster reconstruction must consider problems .

  4. 基于此,本文对川西传统民居装饰在灾后重建民居建筑上的应用进行了研究,希望能够对传统地域文化的传承提一点拙见。

    Based on this , the paper of the west in traditional residence decorate post-disaster reconstruction application local-style dwelling houses building are studied , in hopes of traditional regional culture heritage carry a little humble opinion .

  5. 在全球一体化、国际化的浪潮中,人们越来越意识到保持传统文化和地域特色的重要性。5.12汶川大地震后,大量川西传统民居惨遭破坏,川西传统民居装饰未能幸免。

    In the tide of global integration , internationalization , people more and more aware of keep the traditional culture and the importance of regional characteristic.5.12 wenchuan earthquake , a lot of western sichuan traditional houses were destroyed , traditional residence decorate failed to escape by luck .

  6. 川西地区农村民居建筑物震害调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Earthquake Disasters for Rural Residential Buildings in Western Sichuan Areas