
qiàn rù
  • implant;embed;let into;impaction;inlet;insert;insertion
嵌入 [qiàn rù]
  • (1) [implant]∶牢固地或深深地固定或树立

  • (2) [embed]∶紧紧地埋入

  • (3) [let into]∶镶入

  • 嵌入沥青路的花坛

嵌入[qiàn rù]
  1. 目的探讨自体半腱肌、股薄肌腱中间打结、骨栓嵌入挤压固定法在关节镜下重建前交叉韧带(ACL)的可行性。

    Objective To study the feasibility of the anterior cruciate ligament ( ACL ) reconstruction using semitendinosus and gracilis tendons knot and bone lock bolt implant fixation under the arthroscope .

  2. COM组件具有良好的移植性与可重用性,可方便的将这些组件嵌入实际应用的系统中,可实现与原有运行系统的无缝结合,避免对该系统与原有系统大的升级改造。

    COM module process high degree of portability and can be used , and it can be conveniently implant into practical systems , combine two systems seamlessly , and avoid big changes and upgrades towards the original system as well as the present one .

  3. 嵌入地面的浴缸占了房间的大半空间。

    The room was dominated by a sunken bath .

  4. 然后将这些晶体嵌入一块塑料,再把塑料挤压成线。

    These crystals are then embedded in a plastic , and the plastic is extruded as a wire

  5. 如果把电视嵌入天花板,你就可以躺在那里欣赏你最喜欢的节目了。

    If the TV was built into the ceiling , you could lie there while watching your favourite programme .

  6. 金边眼镜深深嵌入他的鼻梁。

    Gold rimmed spectacles bit deep into the bridge of his nose .

  7. 在护照和驾照中嵌入微型芯片能有效减少假冒身份进行的诈骗。

    Embedding microchips in passports and driver license can effectively reduce identity fraud .

  8. 如果把这些管子嵌入墙内,浴室就要好看得多了。

    The bathroom would look much nicer if the pipes were boxed in .

  9. 例中没有甲氧基取代的笨,就应当排除任何嵌入反应的发生。

    The lack of any methoxy-substituted benzenes would preclude any insertion process taking place .

  10. 虽然美国信用卡使用有40年历史的磁条技术来处理交易,但世界上大多数国家都使用更智能的卡,其技术名为EMV(Europay、MasterCard、Visa的缩写),利用嵌入卡中的芯片加上一个客户PIN(个人识别码)来现场验证每笔交易。

    While American credit cards use the 40-year-old magstripe technology to process transactions , much of the rest of the world uses smarter cards with a technology called EMV ( short for Europay , MasterCard , Visa ) that employs a chip embedded in the card plus a customer PIN ( personal identification number ) to authenticate every transaction on the spot .

  11. 在文档中嵌入图像或视频片断。

    Embeds an image or a video clip in the document .

  12. 编译器只嵌入您的应用程序所使用的类型信息。

    The compiler embeds only the type information that your application uses .

  13. 数据嵌入在炒数字视频完整的源代码,已经过测试。

    Data embedding in scrambled Digital video complete source code , has been tested .

  14. 将大部分C++代码嵌入到字符串中是非常笨拙的。

    Embedding large portions of C + + code in string literals is very awkward .

  15. 作为DNA嵌入剂,它们一般都具有平面刚性结构和大共轭π键。

    They generally consist of a flat , rigid and large conjugated aromatic structure .

  16. KN在Qn中的两个优美嵌入

    The two graceful immersions of k_n in q_n

  17. 关于实时嵌入Java的综述报告

    Review of Embedded Real-Time JAVA

  18. 盐酸柔红霉素能嵌入DNA双螺旋中与DNA结合,使其模板发生改变,抑制DNA和RNA聚合酶,阻止DNA和RNA的合成。

    It has characters of binding of daunomycin to DNA and the inhibition of RNA and DNA synthesis .

  19. Java嵌入技术综述

    Embedded Java Technology Overview

  20. 嵌入Petri网的舰船可靠性仿真模型研究

    Research on Ship Reliability Simulation Model Embedded with Petri-net

  21. 采用MIME封装的方式可将二进制数据直接嵌入XML文档。

    Binary data can be embedded in XML by MIME encapsulation method .

  22. 嵌入本机C或C++代码库或与之进行交互的应用程序就常用此类配置。

    A common use case of this configuration is an application that embeds or interacts with native C or C + + code libraries .

  23. 现在,假设您希望生成一个XML文档树,它将多个元素嵌入到外部的元素中。

    Now , let 's suppose you wanted to generate an XML document tree that nested multiple elements within an outer element .

  24. DCT域盲嵌入的正态实数伪随机序列水印方案探讨

    A Blind Watermark Scheme which Embeds a Random Sequence in DCT Domain

  25. 这些图片嵌入到HTML页面中生动地显示给网络管理员。

    These graphs can be embedded in the HTML files which are present to administrators visually .

  26. 在SX52BD微控制器内部嵌入TCP/IP协议栈是嵌入式Web服务器实现的关键。

    How to implement the TCP / IP Lean in SX 52 BD microcontroller is the key to implement a Web Server .

  27. 将前面三节的内容嵌入指定XML模式和根元素一节所说明的元素中。

    Embed the contents of the previous three sections inside the element shown in the section Specifying the XML Schema and root element .

  28. 利用XRD测定了其结构;采用库仑滴定方法对其锂离子的嵌入行为进行研究。

    The structure and the lithium intercalation properties were investigated by means of XRD and coulombic titration .

  29. 利用HMM嵌入训练方法建立汉语电话连续语音声学模型

    Modeling For Chinese Continuous Telephone Speech Using HMM 's Embedded-Training Method

  30. InSb的Li嵌入电压轮廓曲线从头计算

    Ab initio calculation of the voltage profile curve of Li insertions in InSb