
  • 网络fengfeng mining area;Fengfeng Mining District
  1. 峰峰矿区陷落柱的内循环形成机理

    The Inner Circulation Mechanism in Sinking Column Formation in Fengfeng Coal Field

  2. 峰峰矿区奥陶系灰岩水水质检测结果分析

    Results Analysis of Detecting Ordovician Limestone Water in Fengfeng Coalfield

  3. 邯郸&峰峰矿区构造应力场分析及其影响

    Tectonic Stress Field Analysis and Its Influence in Handan-Fengfeng Mining Area

  4. 峰峰矿区地质特征及煤层气赋存

    The geological characteristics and the coalbed methane accumulation in Fengfeng mine district

  5. 浅析峰峰矿区矿井突水原因及防治

    The cause of water bursting of Fengfeng coal mine and precautionary measures

  6. 峰峰矿区矿井突水分类及发生机理研究

    Study on the water invasion classification and mechanism in Fengfeng mine area

  7. 邯郸-峰峰矿区新构造特征及其煤炭资源开发意义

    Neotectonic character of Handan-Fengfeng mining area and its significance for coal resource exploitation

  8. 鼓山背斜是峰峰矿区的主控构造。

    : Gushan anticline is the main controlling structure in Fengfeng mine district .

  9. 峰峰矿区是华北大水矿区,水害严重威胁着下组煤层的开采。

    Fengfeng coal mine is a large groundwater flow mine in North China .

  10. 邯郸&峰峰矿区显微构造分析

    An Analysis of Microstructures in Handan-Fengfeng Mining Area

  11. 遥感技术在探查峰峰矿区奥灰水中的应用

    Application of remote sensing technique to detection of Ordovician karst water in Fengfeng mine area

  12. 河北省峰峰矿区通二井田石炭系&二叠系砂岩显微组构特征分析

    Feature of micro-fabric of Permo-Carboniferous sandstone in tonger well field of Fengfeng mining area , hebei Province

  13. 河北峰峰矿区煤中微量有害元素的赋存与分布

    Occurrence and Distribution of Minor Toxic Elements in Coals of Fengfeng Coalfield , Heibei Province , North China

  14. 峰峰矿区位于河北省南部,是邯郸市的重要城区之一。

    Fengfeng mine is located in southern Hebei Province , Handan City is one of the major urban areas .

  15. 峰峰矿区的矿井水文地质条件比较复杂,历史上曾发生多次突水和淹井事故,是全国有名的大水矿区。

    The hydrogeology conditions of Fengfeng mine area is complex . In history it had happened many times of water inrush .

  16. 华北煤田陷落柱的地下水内循环形成机理&以峰峰矿区为例

    Mechanism of groundwater inner circulation in sinking column formation in North China coal field & A case study at Fengfeng mine

  17. 近日,涉嫌盗窃罪的犯罪嫌疑人高耕、范磊、王坎被河北省邯郸市峰峰矿区检察院批捕。

    Recently , suspected of theft suspects of high farming , Fan Lei , Wang Hom was Handan Fengfeng mine Procuratorate arrest .

  18. 采用遥感图像解译、天然地震震源分析等手段,对邯郸-峰峰矿区的新生代构造特征进行了深入研究。

    The methods of remote sensing image interpretation and earthquake hypocenter analysis were adopted to study the neotectonic characters of Handan-Fengfeng mining area .

  19. 峰峰矿区在中国古代的发展史中,不仅具有重要的政治、军事地位,也具有重要的经济地位。

    Fengfeng mining development in the history of ancient China , not only an important political , military status and economic status is important .

  20. 介绍了峰峰矿区的水文地质情况,分析了矿井水对环境的影响,探讨了处理、处置高矿化度矿井水的技术问题,提出了正确处置高矿化度矿井水的建议。

    In this paper , technical problem about mineralized mine water treatment and disposal are introduced , offering suggestion on disposing high mineralized pit water correctly .

  21. 近三年来,峰峰矿区内的矿井在开采过程中发生重特大煤层底板奥灰突水事故3起,直接和间接地造成经济损失巨大。

    In the past three years , it has happened three times of Ordovician limestone water inrush in Fengfeng mine area and it has caused directly and indirectly huge economic losses .

  22. 以峰峰矿区梧桐庄矿为例,应用神经网络的方法,对矿井突水水源进行了系统研究。

    In the text , Fengfeng Mine is adopted as an example for the use of neural network method and for a systematic study of water bursting source of the mine .

  23. 分析了华北型煤田,特别是峰峰矿区陷落柱的发育规律,提出了陷落柱的地下水内部循环形成机理。

    The forming law of sinking column in Huabei type coal field , especially at the Fengfeng coal mine is analyzed and the mechanism of groundwater inner cycle in sinking columns is put forth .

  24. 最后,本文从地表水水质保护、地下水水质保护、水资源保护措施和水资源保护管理措施几个方面对峰峰矿区水资源保护进行了初步探讨。

    Finally , this article from the surface water and underground water resources protection and measures to protect water resources protection and management measures for protection of water resources in Fengfeng mine area were discussed .

  25. 受太行山山前断裂带伸展滑脱的区域构造背景条件的控制,邯郸-峰峰矿区的先存断裂在新生代不同程度地重新活动,同时形成一些新断裂。

    Controlled by the regional tectonic background of extensional detachment of the piedmont fault zone of Taihang Mountain , some old faults revived and some new faults formed in Handan-Fengfeng mining area in Cenozoic era .

  26. 邯郸市峰峰矿区彭城镇自北宋时期就是磁州窑的生产基地,时至今日,仍可以见到散布在村庄各处的古代窑场遗址。

    Handan city fengfeng mine area in the northern song dynasty is the town peng magnetic kiln production base of the state , to this day , still can see in the ancient villages scattered everywhere kilns sites .

  27. 我国建筑物下采煤的研究从20世纪60年代开始,先后在本溪、鹤壁、抚顺、枣庄、峰峰、蛟河等矿区进行试验,取得了成功的经验和宝贵的监测资料。

    Experimental studies on coal mining under buildings in China started since 60 's of last century successively in Benxi , Hebi , Fushun , Zaozhuang , Fengfeng , Jiaohe and so on , and successful experience and precious monitoring material had been obtained .