
shān huò
  • mountain products;household utensils made of wood, bamboo, clay, etc.
山货 [shān huò]
  • (1) [mountain products]∶山区的土产,如榛子、栗子等

  • (2) [household utensils made of wood, bamboo, clay, etc.]∶用竹、木、苘麻等制成的日用器物,如扫帚、麻绳等

  • 山货店

山货[shān huò]
  1. 近代四川山货开发研究

    A Study on the Development of Special Mountain Products of Sichuan in Modern Times

  2. 她背子里装满了要拿到集市上卖的山货。

    The basket on her back is full of mountain products that she is going to sell in the market .

  3. 第二部分阐述山货在四川经济的地位及山货开发的影响。

    In the second section , the author emphasizes the important position of the Special Mountain Products in Sichuan economy and the effect of the developments of the Special Mountain Products on socioeconomic development .

  4. 文章认为近代四川的经济是山货经济,山货在四川经济中占重要地位。

    The thesis holds that the economy of Sichuan in modern times was that of Special Mountain Products , and the Special Mountain Products plays an important pole in the economy of modern Sichuan .

  5. 在回顾古代四川山货开发的基础上,分三个阶段论述了近代四川山货开发的特色。

    On the basis of reviewing the development of the Special Mountain Products of Sichuan in the history , The thesis expounds the development features of the Special Mountain Products in Sichuan , dividing the development process into three stages .

  6. 文章指出四川是我国山货的主产区,山货经济在近代四川经济中占重要地位。

    It is pointed out that Sichuan is the primary areas for producting Special Mountain Products in China . And the economy based on the Special Mountain Products enjoyed a very significant position in the economy of Sichuan in modern times .

  7. 清末民初是四川山货开发的高峰,是农业结构最优的时期,因而该时期四川农民的生活是富裕的。

    The thesis points out that the development of Special Mountain Products comes to a peak in the Late-Qing Dynasty and the early-Republic of China . During the periods the agricultural structure is optimal , and the life of the peasants is comfortable in Sichuan .