
  • 网络Tunisia;nicaea;Nicea;nesia
  1. 在那些年里,康斯坦丁大帝组建了尼西亚理事会。

    In that year , the Council of Nicaea was convened by emperor Constantine .

  2. 他们把三位一体写进去了,所以三位一体神学,在尼西亚会议上,变得更巩固。

    It brings in the Trinity , so you have Trinitarian theology becoming a bit more solidified at the council of Nicaea .

  3. 尽管唯一化石标本是在西伯利亚山上发现的,来自美拉尼西亚(南太平洋的一个地区)的当代人是最有可能保留丹尼索瓦人dna的。

    Even though the sole fossil specimen was found in the mountains of Siberia , contemporary humans from Melanesia ( a region in the South Pacific ) seem to be the most likely to harbor denisovan DNA .

  4. 你的美在我眼里好似古代尼西亚的小船。

    Thy beauty is to me like those Nicean barks of yore .

  5. 美拉尼西亚矛头集团政府首脑会议;

    Heads of government summit of the Melanesian spearhead group ;

  6. 美拉尼西亚种族称他们的神为「玛拿」。

    People of Melanesia refer to their god as " Mana " .

  7. 位于美拉尼西亚群岛上的一个共和国;年独立。

    An island republic in Melanesia ; independent since 1980 .

  8. 突尼西亚战役之结束是非常满意的。

    The outcome of the Tunisian compaign was of course eminently satisfactory .

  9. 冬季的严寒已降临突尼西亚高地。

    Winter cold was already descending upon Tunisian highlands .

  10. 在太平洋的美拉尼西亚群岛,是美与速度的象徵。

    A symbol of beauty and speed on the Pacific islands of Melanesia .

  11. 太平洋美拉尼西亚海盆深海碳酸盐溶解旋回的初步研究

    A preliminary study on deep-sea carbonate dissolution cycles in Melanesia basin , Pacific Ocean

  12. 他们发现很难对他最后在突尼西亚获得压倒的胜利打一点折扣的。

    They find it difficult to discount the smashing victory he finally attained in Tunisia .

  13. 西太平洋的密克罗尼西亚和美拉尼西亚众多的岛屿就是这样产生的。

    Numerous islands of Micronesia and Melanesia in the western Pacific were created in this way .

  14. 尼西亚信经说,不,耶稣不是变为神祗,他一直是神祗。

    The Nicene Creed said , no , Jesus did not become divine he always was divine .

  15. 他在突尼西亚多住了一天,以便去凭吊该区的战场。

    He stayed over an extra day in Tunisia in order to visit battlefields of that area .

  16. 这粉就是西米,就是作为美拉尼西亚居民粮食的主要食物。

    This flour was the starch-like sago , an edible substance chiefly consumed by the Melanesian peoples .

  17. 但是在美拉尼西亚的太平洋群岛上,黑色象征着美和速度。

    But on the Pacific islands of Melanesia , it 's a symbol of beauty and speed .

  18. 例如尼西亚信经,正式宣布三位一体教义,成为了正统。

    For example , the Nicene Creed , that proclaims that the doctrine of the Trinity becomes orthodox .

  19. 如今在澳大利亚北部、新几内亚以及美拉尼西亚部分地方有手工绘制的树皮布料。

    Today hand-painted bark cloth is made in northern Australia , New Guinea , and parts of Melanesia .

  20. 欧盟部署的军队远及亚齐(度尼西亚的一个省)刚果,在黎巴嫩和其它大国协同驻军。

    It has sent troops as far afield as Aceh and Congo and co-ordinated big national deployments in Lebanon .

  21. 腓尼基人和玻里尼西亚人航行超出陆地的视线,利用恒星来校正路线。

    The Phoenicians and Polynesians sailed out of sight of land and used the stars to set their course .

  22. 义大利海岸防卫保安人员一路追踪,逮捕二十七岁的突尼西亚人口贩子,并没收他的船。

    Security officers from Italian coastguard tracked and apprehended a 27-year old Tunisian human smuggler and confiscated his ship .

  23. 迄今为止,夸富宴只见于北美洲和西北美洲、美拉尼西亚和巴布亚。

    Up until now , potlatch to only see in North America and west North America , Melanesia and Papua .

  24. 然而,尼西亚争论仍在继续,亚大纳西派曾一度被击败,阿里乌派得到恢复。

    The Nicene controversy continued , however , and at one time the Athanasian faction was defeated and Arius was reinstated .

  25. 太平洋上分布着数千个大大小小的岛屿,美拉尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚和波利尼西亚这三个地区即由这些岛屿组成。

    Scattered across the Pacific Ocean are thousands of islands which make up three regions known as Melanesia , Micronesia and Polynesia .

  26. 许多正统基督论都是在,至少在一开始,都是在尼西亚公会议确定的。

    A lot of orthodox Christology was set at least , at one of the main periods , at the Council of Nicaea .

  27. 东盟成员包括文莱、甸、埔寨、度尼西亚、挝、来西亚、律宾、加坡、国以及越南。

    ASEAN members are Brunei , Burma , Cambodia , Indonesia , Laos , Malaysia , the Philippines , Singapore , Thailand and Vietnam .

  28. 今百达产品遍销全国各地,并远销越南、来西亚、加坡、度尼西亚等国家。

    At present ," Baida " products sell well across China and as far as Vietnam , Malaysia , Singapore , Indonesia and so on .

  29. 飞机在朝东南方向飞行。然后,他们继续向印度、甸、国、加坡、度尼西亚和澳大利亚飞行。

    The plane was flying toward the southeast . Then they continued on to India , Burma , Thailand , Singapore , Indonesia , and Australia .

  30. 再次,基因学证据已证明现代的马达加斯加人与东印尼人以及相距更遥远的美拉尼西亚人和生活在大洋洲的人都是有联系的。

    And third , genetic evidence has linked the modern Malagasy with people living in eastern Indonesia as well as farther off in Melanesia and Oceania .