
  1. 但是杜尚让我们明白了原来艺术也可以是这样做。

    But let us understand the original Duchamp art can be done .

  2. 尚塔尔让一堆火日夜不熄地一直燃着。

    Chantal kept a fire burning night and day

  3. (这套解决方案目前尚不能让患者重新阅读或识别面部特征。)

    ( The resolution is still too low for them to distinguish facial features or read . )

  4. 几千年的古国文明有着丰富而优良的文化传统,博大精深的中国文化尚能让洋人五体投地也必定会影响每一个中国足球人。

    Thousands of years of civilization have a rich and fine tradition , extensive and profound Chinese cultural able to make foreigners charm also will affect every Chinese football .

  5. 做成一笔生意对他颇具诱惑力,但尚不足以让他改变主意。

    Making a sale was tempting , but not tempting enough to change his mind .

  6. 至于其他人,穆雷说让尚没有考虑让他们准时来报到。

    As for everyone else , Morey said there are no issues with anyone reporting on time .

  7. 除非十分严格的条件下,政府在很大程度上尚不愿意让外国人持有、购买和卖出这些资产。

    The government remains deeply reluctant to let foreigners hold , buy and sell these assets , except under tight limits .

  8. 虽然在刚开始时,研究者尚不了解任何让他们感兴趣的具体基因,但当年对数据的搜集令科学家可以在几十年后评估相关的遗传风险。

    Even though specific genes of interest weren 't known when these studies began , data were available that allowed scientists to evaluate genetic risk decades later .