
  1. 小玲:我也想去。谢谢。

    Xiaoling : I 'd love to , thanks a lot .

  2. 小玲:太棒了!一会儿见!

    Xiaoling : Great ! I 'll see you then !

  3. 还不快回去工作小玲在哪里

    Now get back to work.Where is Rin ? What ?

  4. 小玲不知道回去了没有?

    Do you think Ling has gone back home ?

  5. 小玲,你在那里做什么?

    Xiaoling , what are your doing there ?

  6. 看,小玲正坐在那棵大榕树下的草地上。

    Look , Xiaoling is sitting on the grass under the big banyan tree .

  7. 简妮:小玲,星期四早上你会做什么?

    Janet : What are you going to do on Thursday morning , Xiaoling ?

  8. 小玲:欢迎到我的新公寓来!

    Xiaoling : Welcome to my new apartment !

  9. 小李:唉,真想不到小玲答应了要嫁给别人。

    Li : Well , it is quite unexpected Xiaoling promised to marry someone else .

  10. 小玲:明晚怎么样?

    Xiaoling : What about tomorrow night ?

  11. 当他被“风之伤”几种后,他遇到了一个小孤儿玲。

    Then , when he hit by'kaze no kize ' , he met a small orphan Rin .