
  • Little Red Riding Hood;Hoodwinked;TrackPoint
  1. 狼说这就扑向小红帽。

    And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood .

  2. 小红帽走进小屋里。

    Little Red Riding Hood entered the cottage .

  3. 琪琪拿来了一根胡萝卜、一顶小红帽。

    Kiki gets a carrot and a red hat from home .

  4. 从那以后,她就被叫做“小红帽”了。

    Since then , she was called " Little Red-Cap " .

  5. 是我小红帽,她回答。

    It 's Little Red Riding Hood , @ she replied .

  6. 小红帽你在哪干什么呢

    Red ! Where are you ? What are you doing ?

  7. 早上好,小红帽。他说。

    " Good morning , Little Red Cap ," he said .

  8. 再见,大野狼先生,小红帽说。

    Bye-bye , Mr. Wolf , @ said Little Red Riding Hood .

  9. 三,中西狼外婆(小红帽)童话的比较。

    Part three , comparison Wolf grandmother and Little red riding hood .

  10. 小红帽:哦!多么大的嘴!

    LRRH : Oh ; what it rebe particularlyst friend is mouth !

  11. “我该怎么办?”小红帽心想。

    What will I do ? @ thought little red riding hood .

  12. 兔子和乌龟:小红帽,过来!

    Rabbit and Turtle : Little Lucy ! Come here .

  13. 来吧跟我来大家都叫我小红帽

    Come on . Come with me . Everyone calls me Red .

  14. 森林里,一只狼看见了小红帽。

    In the forest , a wolf sees little red riding hood .

  15. 于是小红帽拿着食物出去了。

    Then Little Red Cap went out with the food .

  16. 小红帽继续蹦蹦跳跳地沿着小路走。

    Little Red Riding Hood continued skipping along the path .

  17. 小红帽提了很多很多水,把那个大石头槽子装得满满的。

    Red-cap carried until the great trough was quite full .

  18. 狼跳下床并且追着小红帽跑。

    The wolf jumps out of bed and runs after Red Riding Hood .

  19. 就在这儿,奶奶小红帽说。

    It 's right here , Granny , @ said the young girl .

  20. 大家都叫她:小红帽。

    Everyone called her @ Little Red Riding Hood .

  21. 小红帽啊,我在来看你的路上。

    It 's red . I 'm on my way to come see .

  22. 小红帽,你能否把这些食物带去给你外婆?

    Little Red Hat , can you take this food to your grandmother ?

  23. 这样深厚的感情就联系着小红帽和她的奶奶。

    Such is the bond between Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother .

  24. 兔子,乌龟和小红帽:谢谢你的帮助。

    Rabbit , Turtle and Little Lucy : Thank you for your help !

  25. 开场白:小红帽的故事你一定听说过。

    Opening : Little Red Riding Hood , you probably know the story .

  26. “你好,小红帽,”狼说。

    " Good-day , little red-cap ," said he .

  27. 说着,狼一口把可怜的小红帽给吞了。

    With these words , the wolf swallowed up poor Little Red Cap .

  28. 你姥姥家住哪里呀,小红帽儿?

    Where does your grandmother live , Little Red-Cap ?

  29. 你觉得我是那个狼人小红帽你了解我

    You think this wolfsman is me ? Red , you know me .

  30. 小红帽这是个什么怪物

    Red , what kind of monster is this ?