
  • 网络Xiaozhou village
  1. 在小洲村,这位男子在一寺庙前抬头看挂在香塔里的祈愿文字。

    This man was checking the information written on the joss sticks hanging on the top of the temple in Xiao Zhuo village .

  2. 影响小洲村外部空间环境景观的因素包括:村落中的建筑及建筑群、构筑物、道路与广场、河道水系、绿化模式等。

    Chau factors affecting the external space landscape of The Small Chau Village are : construction of villages and buildings , structures , roads and plazas , river water and green .

  3. 研究达到了预期目的,为更好地保护及开发小洲村优秀的外部空间环境景观资源,促进传统景观营造手法的重组及再利用,提供了具有一定借鉴意义的理论指导。

    The Research achieves the expected results . It is useful for protecting and developing the outstanding external space landscape resources of the Small Chau Village , promoting the reorganization and reuse of traditional landscape practices .

  4. 本研究以小洲村外部空间环境景观为研究对象,运用文献研究法及调查分析法,归纳总结村落的自然条件、人文背景、历史沿革及外部空间环境景观现状。

    This research focuses on external space landscape of The small Chau Village . By using Literature research and investigation into analysis , summarize the natural conditions , cultural background , history and current status of the external space landscape .