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  • 网络a step into the past;tvb;A Step Into Past
  1. 从上世纪90年代末开始,有关男主角穿越回古代的小说作品盛行于市,《寻秦记》便是当时最火的一部。

    Starting from late 1990s , novels about men traveling back to the past prevailed , with A Step Into the Past as the most popular example .

  2. 2001年,电视剧《寻秦记》获得的巨大成功使得电视剧制作公司纷纷收购类似“穿越”题材剧本。

    The big success of the TV series adapted from A Step Into the Past in 2001 has inspired TV production companies to buy up similar time travel tales .

  3. 2001年,电视剧《寻秦记》获得的巨大成功使得电视剧制作公司纷纷收购类似穿越题材剧本。就在去年,穿越剧达到了鼎盛时期。

    The big success of the TV series adapted from A Step Into the Past in 2001 has inspired TV production companies to buy up similar time travel tales . Last year saw their popularity peak .