
  • 网络temple garden;monastery garden
  1. 寺庙园林植物选择有其自身的特点。

    The disposition of the temple gardens has its own peculiarities .

  2. 试论传统思想对我国寺庙园林布局的影响

    Studies on the Influence of Traditional Chinese Culture on Temple Gardens ' Layout

  3. 中国寺庙园林植物景观营造初探

    Research on Arrangement of Landscape Plants in Chinese Temple Areas

  4. 南京地区寺庙园林植物群落特征研究

    Study on Plant Community Feature in Nanjing Temple Garden

  5. 寺庙园林不仅满足大众游览的需求,其中还体现禅佛思想。

    Temple Gardens is not only for travel , but also reflect the Buddhist thought .

  6. 浅谈植物景观的功效寺庙园林植物造景特色

    The Characteristics of Plant Landscape in Temples

  7. 植物配置要符合寺庙园林的氛围。

    The plant configuration must to be comply with the atmosphere of the temple garden .

  8. 圆融谐和的禅意空间&浅议禅宗美学在寺庙园林中的应用

    Space of Zen with Harmonic and Integration : The Application of Zen Aesthetics in Temple Garden

  9. 浅谈中国寺庙园林

    Discussing the chinese temple landscape architecture

  10. 中国的寺庙园林主要由佛寺、道观、纪念性宗庙祠堂构成。

    Chinese monastery gardens mainly consist of Buddhist temple , Taoist temple and Jongmyo ancestral hall of the memorial .

  11. 并对寺庙园林的形成原因、造园特点详细论述。

    And the thesis discussed in detail the reasons for the formation of the temple garden , the garden features .

  12. 现代园林设计中,园林的布局、植物配置、景观小品的塑造都有寺庙园林景观意匠思想的运用。

    Garden layout , plant configuration , landscape sketches are used Yi and Jiang theory in the modern garden design .

  13. 寺庙园林的出现,可以追溯到佛教在两汉之际传入中国。

    The appearing of temple garden can trace back to the period when the Buddhism entered into China at two Han Dynasties .

  14. 寺庙园林是我国三大古典园林之一,在中国古典园林中占有重要的地位。

    Temple garden is one of the three Chinese classical gardens , which holds the important status in the Chinese classical gardens .

  15. 所以佛教文化,为人们找到了精神的港湾,寺庙园林则为人们提供了良好的心灵慰藉之所。

    So Buddhism culture has found out the spiritual bay for people , and temple garden provides them with the good shelter relieving spirits .

  16. 本文从寺庙园林的历史文化背景、寺庙园林的布局形式和植物造景等方面粗浅地分析其园林特点。

    The paper attempts to reveal the history , the layout and the plant landscape of the temple landscape architecture and discuss the characteristics of these .

  17. 中国古典园林是我国古建筑与园艺的综合艺术,其中寺庙园林占有重要的地位。

    The Chinese classical landscape architecture is the integrated art of old architecture and gardening , and the temple landscape architecture is very important in it .

  18. 寺庙园林植物景观在园林空间的组织、植物配置上,具有独特的审美品质和深厚的宗教文化及传统园林艺术内涵。

    Temple plant landscape has unique aesthetic qualities and deep religious culture and traditional Chinese garden art connotation in terms of space organization and plant arrangement .

  19. 在造园中,要因地制宜、注重园林意境塑造、园林设计合理等理念都是寺庙园林景观塑造要素的运用。

    Local conditions , to pay attention to the mood shape the garden , garden design and reasonable are the temple landscape to shape the use of elements .

  20. 中国寺庙园林作为中国古典园林主要类型之一,其景观之丰富、意境之入胜、文化之旷奥为举世所瞩目。

    As one of the main types of Chinese classical gardens , Chinese Temple Garden has the characteristic with richness in landscape , attractive conception , remarkable cultural history .

  21. 论文运用了建筑、城市规划、植物学、美学、农学等学科知识对寺庙园林中的植物景观进行研究。

    The paper uses the knowledge of architecture , urban planning , botany , aesthetics , agriculture and so on that is to study landscape plants in the temple garden .

  22. 寺庙园林的意境要与佛教宗教思想结合,所以在寺庙园林中的植物景观是通过实景与虚景相结合,营造寺庙园林空灵、清幽的意境。

    The mood of temple gardens are combine with Buddhist religious thought . Landscape combine real and virtual scene to create ethereal , quiet and the mood in the temple garden .

  23. 寺庙园林是中国三大古典园林之一,无论在建筑艺术还是在人文艺术方面都极具代表性,具有宗教性、公共性和连续性等特征。

    Classified under the three classical Chinese Garden Art , Chinese Temple Garden has established a classical standard both on architectural art and humanities , has religious , public and continuity characteristics .

  24. 其中尤其以寺庙园林和书院园林最为繁盛,其发展与长沙教育之发展相结合,因而也造就其特有的园林文化。

    Especially the Landscape of Temple and the Academy Of Classical Learning , which combine the development of the education of Changsha , therefore , the specific culture of landscape was created .

  25. 在整体上分析和总结了禅宗中国化的产物&寺庙园林的创作目的、意义及特点,论证了禅和寺庙园林的共生关系。

    It analyzes and generalizes of the product of Chinese Zen Buddhism & temple garden , from whose design aim , design significance and characteristics , demonstrates symbiotic relationship between Zen and temple garden .

  26. 认为在园林分类上,官家园林应具有与皇家园林、私家园林和寺庙园林同等位置。幼儿园网站中家园互动栏目的研究

    The author believes that in taxonomy of park , authoritative park should have the same position as imperial , per-sonal , temple park . Research on " Kindergarten-Family Cooperation " Column in the Kindergarten 's Website

  27. 在传统园林的发展过程中,形成了皇家园林、私家园林、寺庙园林等不同园林类型,其植物景观营造既各具特征,又包含了一定的共性。

    In the course of development , Traditional Chinese Garden had formed different types , including Imperial Gardens , Private Gardens and Temple Gardens . Each of them had different characteristics , and also they had something in common .

  28. 佛寺自古就具有一定的公共性和社会性,其寺庙园林又是中国传统三大园林分支之一,在人类的文明发展与社会进步中占有重要的地位。

    The Buddhist temple takes the properties of public and society from ancient times . The temple garden is the one of the three branches of Chinese traditional gardens , which has important position in the development of human civilization .

  29. 本文主要对寺庙园林植物景观进行研究,研究发现云南汉传佛教寺庙园林的植物景观特征有:植物姿态优美、大量选择乡土树种、植物寓意好等,大部分植物与佛教思想或佛教故事有关。

    This paper found that Yunnan and Chinese Buddhist temple garden plants landscape features . They are plants grateful , a large selection of native trees , plants moral and so on . Most plants are related to Buddhism and Buddhist stories .

  30. 随着社会经济基础的变化,走过了从皇族贵戚的宫廷园林,到寺庙园林、私家园林,又向公园、城市园林,和改善居住环境的住宅小区园林发展的历程。

    With the social and economic infrastructure changes , it gone through development process from the palace garden to the temple garden , private garden , also to the parks , city gardens , and the residential district which improving the living environment .