
duì wài yuán zhù
  • foreign aid
  1. Pickering说,缺乏协调也正在妨碍对外援助举措。

    A lack of coordination is also hindering foreign aid efforts , says Pickering .

  2. 在他的领导下,英国对外援助占国内生产总值(gdp)的比例已有稳步提高;而且,他一贯强烈支持向非洲提供更多、更好的国际援助。

    Under his leadership , the UK has steadily increased the share of its gross domestic product devoted to foreign aid ; and he has been a strong and consistent advocate of more and better international aid to Africa .

  3. 政府宣布停止对外援助。

    The government announced a cut-off in overseas aid .

  4. 他说他的责难者试图使政府的对外援助政策名声扫地。

    He says his accusers are trying to discredit government foreign-aid policies

  5. 中国政府从来不把对外援助看作是单方面的恩赐,而认为援助是相互的。

    The Chinese Government never regards aid to other countries as a kind of unilateral alms but as sth. mutual .

  6. 赫弗斯坦托尔女士(MsHvistendahl)认为,在一定程度上是通过对外援助来达到这点的。

    Partly , argues Ms Hvistendahl , through aid .

  7. 这一点在澳大利亚的对外援助预算中已经一目了然,霍华德政府将这一预算提高了一倍,而现任政府表示预算规模将再度翻番,到2015年时将其提升至gdp的0.5%。

    That is already apparent in its foreign-aid budget , which the Howard government doubled and the current government says it will double again , bringing it to 0.5 % of GDP by 2015 .

  8. 不是直接对外援助,而是资助Kiva平台,无论数额有多小,拥有资金的个人都可以通过该平台直接借钱给需要资金的创业家。

    Instead of foreign aid , fund Kiva , a platform that allows individuals with capital , however small , to lend directly to development entrepreneurs who need it .

  9. 中国没有公布可比较的数据,但根据美国大学对外援助专家DeborahBrautigam的估计,大约为31亿美元。

    China 's is estimated it does not publish comparable figures at about $ 3.1 billion , according to Deborah Brautigam , a foreign aid expert at American University .

  10. 美国对外援助政策及其价值取向

    The Policy of Foreign Aid and Orientation in Values of US

  11. 论对外援助桥梁项目的投标报价研究

    The Research on Quoted Price for Bid of Aid Bridge Project

  12. 这是中国对外援助的首要目标。

    This is the primary objective of China 's foreign assistance .

  13. 美日对外援助之比较

    Comparison of the United States 's and Japanese Foreign Aid Policy

  14. 对外援助是研究美国对外关系的有力视角。

    Foreign aid is powerful perspective of studying U.S. foreign relations .

  15. 第四,中国对外援助的分布从地区、时间段、政权性质的角度来看,呈现出阶段性特点。

    Fourthly , the distribution of Chinese foreign aid kept on changing .

  16. 凯西-卢格全球食品安全法将对外援助与转基因生物联结起来。

    The Casey-Lugar Global Food Security act ties foreign aid to GMOs .

  17. 对外援助规模持续扩大。

    The scale of our foreign aid continued to grow .

  18. 冷战时期美国对外援助的目标和方法

    Objectives and Means of US Foreign Assistance during Cold War

  19. 对外援助一直是美国对外政策的重要内容。

    Foreign aid has been an important part of the American foreign policy .

  20. 国际政治学理论视角下的对外援助

    Foreign Aids from the Perspective of International Political Studies

  21. 当前美国国内的政治环境对于对外援助不是太有利。

    The political environment 's not very friendly to foreign aid right now .

  22. 四是把对外援助行为转变为对外服务贸易活动;

    Fourth , turning aiding activities to undeveloped countries into service trade activities ;

  23. 中国对外援助八项原则

    Eight Principles for China 's Aid to Foreign Countries

  24. 这位参议员刚刚推出了一项修正案,削减埃及的对外援助。

    The senator just introduced an amendment to cut foreign aid to Egypt .

  25. 当然,中国对外援助有自己的特色和理念。

    Of course , China 's foreign aid has its own characteristics and concepts .

  26. 杜鲁门政府的对外援助政策对以后美国历届政府产生了深远的影响。

    Truman 's foreign aid policy exerted a deep influence on the afterward governments .

  27. 英国:对外援助与国家利益

    Britain : Foreign Aid and National Interests

  28. 50年代后半期美国对外援助政策转变探析

    The Analysises of the Transition of the American Foreign-aid Policy in the End of 1950s

  29. 伴随着这些新特点,美国对外援助中也出现了更多的矛盾与问题。

    What come together with the new features are more problems produced in this process .

  30. 二战结束后,杜鲁门政府时期美国开始了战后大规模的对外援助。

    After the World War II , the Truman Administration carried on large-scale foreign aid .