
hán qì
  • cold;cold air;cold draught
寒气 [hán qì]
  • (1) [cold]∶低温状况;寒性

  • 寒气太重

  • (2) [cold air]∶寒冷的气;冷的气流

  • 寒气透心凉

寒气[hán qì]
  1. 一股寒气流进了温暖的房间。

    A stream of cold air flowed into the warm room .

  2. 今天,也许天上还飘着雪或冷雨,也许空中还透着寒气,但人们的心头也已是春意盎然。

    Today , perhaps the sky was falling snow or rain , and perhaps also a trace of cold air , but people 's minds are already spring .

  3. 咱们回家吧,我感到寒气刺骨。

    Let 's go home , I 'm chilled to the bone .

  4. 今天早晨寒气袭人。

    There 's a chill in the air this morning .

  5. 空中有一股刺骨的寒气。

    There was a real nip in the air .

  6. 今晚寒气刺骨。

    There 's a bite in the air tonight .

  7. 空气稀薄清新,其间日光蒙眬,寒气逼人。

    The air was thin and crisp , filled with hazy sunshine and frost

  8. 我早上大约10点钟回来的时候感到寒气透骨。

    When I got back at about ten a.m. I was frozen to the marrow

  9. 寒气逼人。

    There is a nip in the air .

  10. 喝一口挡挡夜里的寒气。

    Have a drop . It 'll ward off the cold of the night .

  11. 这些花经受不住寒气。

    These flowers cannot stand the cold .

  12. 这种特种塑料有4英寸左右厚就可以挡住屋外的寒气。

    The house can be insulated from cold with about four inches of this special plastic .

  13. 我们去堆雪人,但还未堆完一半时,我已感到寒气刺骨了。

    We went to build a snowman but before it was half finished I was chilled to the bone .

  14. 寒气透骨地阴冷,我心里一阵阵忐忑不安

    The air was pitilessly raw and already my heart misgave me .

  15. 一股寒气打击她的敞开的胸膛,把她从梦幻的境地中带了回来

    A cold gust swept across her exposed breast , wrenching her back to reality .

  16. 但他一点也无法把寒气阻挡在外。

    But he could not keep out the cold at all .

  17. 那几又冷又潮,寒气袭人,却不黑暗。

    It struck cold and damp , but was not dark .

  18. 正如船长所说,寒气已经消失了。

    As the captain had said , the chill was past .

  19. 要是不穿大衣你会感到寒气刺骨。

    You will be chilled to the bone without your overcoat .

  20. 几秒钟之后我把灯打开,感到寒气透心。

    I was able to turn on the light after several seconds .

  21. 一股寒气从敞开的窗户吹了进来。

    A cold draught of air blew in from the open window .

  22. 默克尔寒气逼人不难理解。

    The chill spread by the German chancellor is easy to understand .

  23. 觉慧开始觉得寒气透过衣服浸到身上来了。

    Chueh-hui could feel the cold seeping into his bones .

  24. 寒气冰冷的大地,刺疼手心。

    The cold hard lands . They bites our hands .

  25. 湿透的衣服使我感到寒气刺骨。

    The soaking clothes chilled me to the bone .

  26. 我觉得有一股寒气顺着我的脊梁骨往下窜。

    I felt a child go down my spine .

  27. 我感到在我的脖子和手臂上有寒气袭来。

    I felt chill-bumps across my neck and arms .

  28. 她拨旺炉火,驱除空气中的寒气。

    She turned on the fire to take the chill from the air .

  29. 这墙是用糊墙纸裱糊的。寒气透过了糊窗纸。屋里骤然冷起来。

    Icy air seeped in through the paper and the room became cold .

  30. 冬天来得早,寒气刺人。

    Winter one year set in early , and it was freezing hard .