
A new method for impossible differential cryptanalysis of the 6-round advanced encryption standard
In DES like cipher algorithms , the fact that the order in which S - boxes were placed would affect the security of cipher was shown by the method .
The method of differential cipher analysis was presented by E.
A truncated differential-linear cryptanalysis method is proposed , which extends differential-linear method .
Both April and May messages were read ' by cryptanalytic methods ' .
Side-channel attack is a new cryptanalysis , and the current cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to higher-order side-channel attack .
In this article , an automatic cryptographic protocol analysis was put forward , based on object submission and information model inspection by synthesizing the cryptographic protocol analysis based on logic and model matching , and further analysis on public-key protocol of Need-Schroeder ( NS ) was made .
Non-Malleability and Emulation Based Approach to Cryptographic Protocol Analysis
New approach for formal analyzing encryption protocols
The research status and advances of chaotic ciphers has been summarized , analyzed and overviewed .
Automatic cryptographic protocol analysis
We make use of them by multiple linear cryptanalysis method , present an algorithm and analyze its success rate theoretically .
On this base , we mainly discuss the methods of cryptanalysis , then classify the methods approximately by three aspects of classical cryptogram , symmetry cryptogram and asymmetry cryptogram . In this paper , we mainly study linear cryptanalysis method , enumeration key cryptanalysis method and factorization method .
There are many ways proposed to analyze the security protocol , the BAN-like logic is one of the important ways .
Taking DPA attack on chip with DES as example , the thesis discusses building experiment roof , obtaining power consume and educing conclusion by statistics and cryptanalysis , accordingly breaking encrypted system successfully .
The best known attacks are differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis .
Research of Power Analysis Attack Methods on Cryptographic Chip Based on FPGA
Based on the concepts of the Spi calculus and the control flow analysis , a new technique is presented to analyze the cryptographic protocols .
This paper introduces a kind of formal method for the analysis of cryptographic protocols inductive method which has been widely given attention at present , and analyzes the Otway-rees protocol .
The formal methods of Cryptographic protocol are categorized as two classes : the computational approach and the symbolic approach .
Linear cryptanalysis with multiple approximations is a generalization of linear cryptanalysis , and how to attack DES efficiently by multiple linear cryptanalysis method is still a problem .
But on the one hand DES has short key and fall under the difference and linearity analysis , and the business data are easy to crack by using DES .
Use of linear cryptanalysis and differential cryptanalysis method of analysis of IAES security , the results show that the improved algorithm is basically the same intensity as AES algorithm . 3 .
Integral cryptanalysis is a kind of chosen plaintext attacks . After differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis , it is known as one of the most efficient attacks in the field of cryptology .
The timing attack against RSA cryptosystem , which is invented by Kocher , is a practical method . Based on the analysis of the old methods , two new methods for resisting timing attack are introduced .
Using differential-nonlinear cryptanalysis , truncated differential-linear cryptanalysis and integral cryptanalysis respectively , three attacks of reduced-round Safer + + are given ;