  • hold;contain;tolerate;permit
  • facial expression;appearance;looks
  • 包含,盛(chéng):~器。~量(liàng )。~积。~纳。无地自~。

  • 对人度量大:~忍。宽~。

  • 让,允许:~让。不~人说话。

  • 相貌,仪表,景象,状态:~止。~颜。~光。~貌。仪~。军~。市~。阵~。姿~。

  • 或许,也许:~或。

  • 姓。


(容纳; 包含) hold; contain:

  • 可容水30000多立方米的蓄水池

    a reservoir with a capacity of over 30000 cubic metres;

  • 几条小河容不下雨季的全部雨水。

    The few small rivers could not hold all the rain that fell during the wet season.

  • 那个杯子可容一夸脱啤酒。

    That glass will contain a quart of beer.

  • 这大房间能容6张床。

    This big room can accommodate six beds.

  • 这个港口容得下巨型油船和货轮。

    The harbour admits large tankers and freighters.

  • 这个阅览室能容100人。

    The reading room can hold a hundred people.

  • 这座大桥可容4辆卡车并列通行。

    The bridge can take four lorries abreast.


(宽容; 原谅) tolerate:

  • 宽容

    be tolerant;

  • 情理难容

    incompatible with the accepted code of human conduct;

  • 他往往不能容人。

    He is intolerant towards others.


(允许; 让) permit; allow:

  • 不容怀疑

    admit of no doubt;

  • 不容歪曲

    brook no distortion;

  • 此事不容耽搁。

    The matter allows of no delay.

  • 详情容后再告。

    Permit me to give the details later.

  • 这是不容争议的。

    That admits of no dispute.


(脸上的神情和气色) facial expression:

  • 愁容

    a worried look; an anxious expression;

  • 怒容

    an angry look;

  • 笑容

    a smiling face


(比喻事物所呈现的景象、状态) appearance; looks:

  • 市容

    the appearance [look] of a city;

  • 阵容

    lineup; battle array


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 容闳

    Rong Hong

  1. 这个阅览室能容100人。

    The reading room can hold a hundred people .

  2. 这间屋子将将能容十个人。

    The room can barely hold ten people .

  3. 后排有可容三人的空位。

    There 's room for three people in the back .

  4. 合同中的某些条文容有不同诠释。

    Some phrases in the contract are open to interpretation .

  5. 她容不得开任何玩笑。

    She had no tolerance for jokes of any kind .

  6. 当时的宗教气候容不得新思想。

    The religious climate at the time was uncongenial to new ideas .

  7. 这个房间能容200多人就座。

    The room had a seating capacity of over 200 .

  8. 后排有可容三人的空位。

    There 's room for three people in back .

  9. 学术文章容不得奇闻逸事。

    Anecdotes have no place in an academic essay .

  10. 这罐能容50升。

    The tank takes 50 litres .

  11. 人太多了,大厅里容不下。

    The crowd was too large to fit inside the hall .

  12. 波尔登的学校不够大,容不下所有的孩子。

    The school in Poldown was not big enough to accommodate all the children

  13. 这个大厅一次只能容下一半的出席者。

    Only one-half of the attendees could fit into the large hall at any one time .

  14. 我们告诉建筑承包商,我们需要一个能容得下两辆车的车库。

    We told the building contractor that we wanted a garage big enough for two cars .

  15. 抗酸剂是碱性的,通过中和胃容物中的酸来减轻疼痛。

    Antacids are alkaline and they relieve pain by neutralizing acid in the contents of the stomach .

  16. 能宽宽松松容下两个大人、三个孩子,而且后备箱里还可以放只狗。

    There 's easily enough room for two adults and three children , plus a dog in the boot

  17. 我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。

    We have ample time for a leisurely lunch .

  18. 那个杯子可容一夸脱啤酒。

    That glass will contain a quart of beer .

  19. 详情容后再告。

    Permit me to give the details later .

  20. 这个港口容得下巨型油船和货轮。

    The harbour admits large tankers and freighters .

  21. 这座大桥可容4辆卡车并列通行。

    The bridge can take four lorries abreast .

  22. 这大房间能容6张床。

    This big room can accommodate six beds .

  23. 他的诚意是无容置疑的。

    His sincerity is undoubted .

  24. 几条小河容不下雨季的全部雨水。

    The few small rivers could not hold all the rain that fell during the wet season .

  25. 这衣柜大得可容你进去。

    The clothes cupboard is big enough for you to walk in .

  26. 详情容后奉告。

    I 'll give you the details later .

  27. 他眼里容不下一粒沙子。

    He can 't take in anything unagreeable .

  28. 此等人物,小说中容或有之。

    You might find such characters in novels .

  29. 容陈管见。

    Allow me to state my humble opinion .

  30. 容有阴谋。

    There may be a plot behind this .