
  • 网络Indoor air pollution;IAP
  1. 红外线CO2分析仪在室内空气污染治理中的应用

    Application of infrared CO_2 analyzer in the control of indoor air pollution

  2. 结果表明,不同燃料造成的室内空气污染对COPD及其症状和最大呼气流速的作用顺序依次为有烟煤>无烟煤>柴。

    The proper order of different fuels creating indoor air pollution on COPD and its symptoms and PEF was smoky coal > smokeless coal > wood .

  3. CO气体是造成公共场所室内空气污染的主要污染气体。

    CO gas is one of the main contaminations in public room .

  4. 结果甲醛和总挥发性有机物(VOCs)是家庭装修室内空气污染的主要污染物;

    Results Formaldehyde and VOCs were the major air pollutions in decorated houses .

  5. 结果表明,宣威县燃煤造成的室内空气污染是COPD的主要危险因素。

    Results showed in-door air pollu-tion caused by coal-burning was the major risk factor for COPD in Xuanwei County .

  6. 目的研究安徽省农村居民居住环境的不同及室内空气污染与慢阻肺(COPD)患病率的关系。

    Objective To study rural inhabitants ' living condition and room air pollution in Anhui province , and its relationship with prevalence rate of COPD .

  7. 由于室内空气污染导致的不良建筑物综合症(SickBuildingSyndrome,SBS)已经成为现代人生活中不可忽视的一个问题,室内空气污染已经被列为对公众健康危害最大的5种环境因素之一。

    The SBS ( sick building syndrome ) resulting from indoor air pollution has become an unavoidable problem in the modern life . Indoor air pollution has been listed as one of the five most dangerous environmental factors to human health .

  8. 阐述了花卉在削弱室内空气污染,提高空气质量方面的作用:吸收有毒气体;二氧化硫(SO2)、氟化氢(HF)、氯气(Cl2)等;

    The article introduces the functions of flowering plants in weakening purification of air and improving the quality of air : absorb noxious gas such as SO2 , HF and CL2 ;

  9. VOC是造成室内空气污染的重要原因,室内装饰材料、家具及用品的环保程度直接关系到室内空气的质量。

    VOC is the main cause of interior air pollution , the environmental level of the decorate materials , furniture and others is connected with the quality of interior air directly .

  10. 近些年的研究结果表明,现代建筑装饰材料中释放出的挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)是引起室内空气污染的主要因素之一。

    Recently , some of the research results show that the indoor air pollution caused by modern building decoration materials in release volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) is one of the main factors .

  11. 室内空气污染指数与患病危险性呈显著线性相关,它的PAR在男性为13%,女性为17%。

    There was also a significant increase in lung cancer risk associated with an overall index of indoor air pollution due to coal burning emission , the PAR was 13 % for men and 17 % for women .

  12. 室内空气污染(indoorairpollution,IAP)是危害健康的主要环境因素之一,全球4%的疾病负担归因于室内空气污染(IAP),与烟草引起的疾病负担相当。

    Background : Indoor Air Pollution ( IAP ) is one of the main environmental factors which are risky to health . 4 % of the global disease burden attributes to IAP , which is in the same level as the diseases caused by tobacco .

  13. 近年来,CO和HCHO造成的室内空气污染日益严重,如何有效去除室内空气中的CO和HCHO已成为世界范围内环境保护领域面临的一大挑战。

    In recent years , indoor air pollution caused by CO and HCHO is increasing seriously . So how to effectively remove CO and HCHO in indoor air has been a challenge for environmental protection field all over the world .

  14. 来源于各种建材和家具等的总挥发性有机物(TVOC)、苯系物和甲醛是室内空气污染监测的重点指标。

    Emission from building materials , furniture , etc , Total Volatile Organic Compounds ( TVOC ), benzene , and formaldehyde are widely used as key indicators of indoor air quality .

  15. 当前,室内空气污染已成为社会关注的热点问题,总挥发性有机物(TVOC)是室内空气质量(IAQ)的重要指示指标。

    At present , Indoor Air Pollution has become the social hot spot . Total Volatile Organic Compounds ( TVOC ) is an important indicator of Indoor Air Quality ( IAQ ) .

  16. 本监测器最小可测浓度为0.013mg/m3(24h采样),可广泛应用于室内空气污染和个体接触量的监测。

    The qualitative detection limit of the personal monitor was 0.013mg / m3 ( 24hrs exposure ) . It can be widely used in studying on indoor air pollution and personal exposure monitoring .

  17. TVOC是衡量室内空气污染程度的重要指标之一,其在室内的浓度大小直接影响着人们的身体健康。

    One of the most important indexes to judge the degree of indoor air pollution is TVOC ( Total Volatile Organic Compounds ) because whose concentration would have direct influence upon human health .

  18. 大气污染和室内空气污染是目前全世界关注的环境污染问题之一,挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)是仅次于颗粒污染物的又一大类大气污染物。

    Atmospheric pollution and indoor air pollution have been one of the most important environmental pollution problems all around the world . Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOCs ) are other kinds of gaseous pollutants which are second only to particles pollutants .

  19. 最近,我国政府也认识到室内空气污染给人们带来的一系列问题和健康危害,颁布实施了《室内空气质量标准》(GB/T18883-2002)。

    Recently , the Chinese Government has recognized the potential risks and problems related to indoor air pollution , and it has established the new IAQ standard ( GB / T18883-2002 , China ) .

  20. 目前,挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)被广泛用于工业生产,这些工业排放的有机废气所造成的大气环境及室内空气污染问题日益突出,该环境问题的解决已迫在眉睫。

    Nowadays , the volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) are widely used in industries . The emission of VOCs from these industries has led to serious atmospheric pollution and indoor air pollution . Therefore , the removal of VOCs is extremely urgent .

  21. 本文主要针对室内空气污染源之一的TDI-TMP固化剂中游离TDI进行了研究,采用金属离子催化法使固化剂中的游离TDI含量降低到0.5%以下。

    Free TDI come from TDI - TMP crosslinkers is an important kind of room pollutions . Free TDI is studied in this paper and the content is decreased to below 0.5 % by using metal ion catalyst-polymerization method .

  22. 通风是减少室内空气污染经济有效的办法。

    Ventilation was effective for reducing indoor air pollution after decoration .

  23. 改性粉煤灰治理室内空气污染的实验研究

    Experimental study on indoor air pollution with activated fly ash treatment

  24. 室内空气污染对健康危害的认知现状调查

    Investigation on People Cognition of Indoor Air Pollution and Human Health

  25. 路桥收费站室内空气污染对人体健康影响的调查

    Investigation on health effect of indoor air pollution in the toll-gates

  26. 室内空气污染对呼吸道症状和肺功能的影响

    Effects of indoor air pollution on respiratory symptoms and lung function

  27. 自贡市室内空气污染现状研究

    The Study of Room Air Pollution in Zi : Gong City

  28. 民用建筑室内空气污染及检测方法评价

    Evaluation on indoor pollution and its detection methods of civil buildings

  29. 结论改良炉灶是中国农村贫困地区降低室内空气污染的有效干预手段之一。

    Conclusion Improving stoves is one of the effective intervention methods .

  30. 果蝇生物模型在室内空气污染监测中的应用

    Application of Drosophila Melanogaster Biological Model for Indoor Air Pollution Detection