
  • 网络Xuanen;Xuan'en County;Xuan'en Grafschaft;Xian de Xuan'en
  1. 州境内的恩施市、建始县、宣恩县等地均蕴藏着丰富的硒矿泉水资源。

    It contains the abundant selenium mineral spring water resource in Enshi city , Jianshi county , Xuanen county of Enshi autonomy prefecture .

  2. 鄂西南苗族家庭的发展变化与文化变迁&以宣恩县小茅坡营苗族村为例

    Changes of Miao Families and Culture in Southwest Hubei

  3. 宣恩县狮子关库区野生动物资源及保护利用研究

    Research on protect and exploitation of wild animals in reservoir area of Lion Barrier in Xuan'en country

  4. 笔者通过问卷调查和访谈法对恩施州宣恩县普通高中的文化史教学现状进行了调查分析,发现宣恩县普通高中当前的文化史教学还存在很多的问题。

    Based on the questionnaire and interview method to the cultural history teaching of Xuan ' en County , we investigated and found there are many problems in Xuan ' en County current culture history teaching .