
shí xí
  • practice;internship;work experience;fieldwork;field trip
实习 [shí xí]
  • [practice] 把学到的东西或知识拿到实际工作中去应用,以提高工作能力

  • 边实习边总结

实习[shí xí]
  1. 测量血压可以由实习护士完成。

    Measurement of blood pressure can be undertaken by practice nurses .

  2. 实习期限暂定半年。

    The term of practice is tentatively fixed at half a year .

  3. 本课程第3年有实习课。

    The course includes a placement in Year 3 .

  4. 实习教师对任何针对他们表现的批评意见都异常敏感。

    Student teachers were hypersensitive to any criticism of their performance .

  5. 他在斯坦福大学附属医院完成了自己的儿科实习。

    He completed his pediatric residency at Stanford University Hospital .

  6. 你跟着一位出庭律师进行两期为时6个月的实习工作。

    You join a barrister for two six-month spells of practical experience .

  7. 我们的目标就是让实习教师熟悉课堂。

    Our aim is to allow student teachers to become familiar with the classroom

  8. 第四点,实习教师本来的热情应该得到保持。

    Fourthly , the natural enthusiasm of the student teachers should be maintained .

  9. 学习方法包括讲课、导师辅导、个案研究与实习。

    The methods of study include lectures , tutorials , case studies and practical sessions .

  10. 他24岁,是一名实习记者。

    He is a 24-year-old trainee reporter

  11. 读完此书,她便能将从书中所得传授给实习教师。

    Having read the book , she will be able to pass on the acquired knowledge to trainee teachers .

  12. “他们没有均等的机会让他们的孩子在法律公司获得实习职位或工作岗位,”李说道。

    They don 't have the same chances to get their children internships or jobs at law firms , Lee said .

  13. 为了大学提供的会议、研究、实习和奖学金,申请吧!

    In order for you to take advantage of the conferences , research , internships , and fellowships that your university offers , apply !

  14. 另一些人坚持认为,随着孩子们面临的压力越来越大,他们不得不把自己的休息时间花在实习或学习上,所以保护慵懒童年时光的机构仍然有生存空间。

    Others insist that with children under increasing pressure to devote their downtime to internships ( ) or study , there 's still room for an institution that protects the lazy days of childhood .

  15. 爱丽丝是一名大学生,现在正在实习。

    Alice is a college student and in her internship now .

  16. 而我们的校舍原本是二战、朝鲜战争、越战时期的实习医院,直到我们两周的适应期过完后,我们当中的一个人才发现校舍的形状像个“H”。

    But our schoolhouse was in what used to be the old training hospital during WWII , the Korean War , and then Vietnam . It wasn 't until those two weeks of adaptation had passed that one of my guys made the observation that the building was shaped like an H.

  17. 同时也授权行业培训组织为实习车间主管进行登记注册

    NZQA also accredits industry training organisations to register workplace assessors . NZQA

  18. 这名年轻医生今年在医疗中心做实习医生

    The young doctor is interning at the Medical Center this year .

  19. 美国电话电报公司会为一些“纳米学位”的毕业生提供带薪实习职位。

    AT & T in turn will offer paid internships to some NanoDegree graduates .

  20. 薪水微薄的暑期实习

    a summer internship with a small stipend

  21. 在电视台的实习期

    an internship at a television station

  22. 例句蒂姆的叔叔给蒂姆在自己的公司里找了一个实习机会,从而帮他跨入职业生涯的门槛。

    Tim 's uncle gave him an internship1 at his company to help him get a foot on the ladder .

  23. 你知道这儿以前是战时实习医院,这儿死过很多人。#

    You know there were a lot of deaths here ; it was a training hospital during war time . \# p \#

  24. 例句我想要成为一名记者,所以我就申请了一份当地报纸的实习机会,以踏入这个领域的大门。

    I wanted to become a journalist , so I applied1 for an internship2 with our local newspaper so I could get my foot in the door .

  25. 该委员会的一份报告指出,富裕家庭会帮孩子积累人力市场看重的一些技能,同时还会利用自己的社交网络帮孩子落实实习或者工作机会。

    A report from the commission said wealthier families helped their children accumulate skills valued by the labour market and they also used social networks to secure internships and employment .

  26. M的这位朋友目前在一家事业单位实习,这是一家参与国际贸易的机构,有很多国际交流的机会,而且待遇也不错。

    This friend of M ’ s now works as an intern in a public institution . This institution deals with international trades and provides a lot opportunities of international communication . And they pay the employees nicely .

  27. 不过还好,这位朋友的实习期还有几个月,而且毕竟是机构要留他,之后还有回头的机会。

    But fortunately , there are still several months left before the friend ’ s internship ends . And anyway , it was the institution which proposed the job in the first place . So there is still a chance for him to turn back .

  28. 两家公司都说,他们把实习招聘的重点主要放在两年制MBA项目上。

    Both companies say they focus internship recruiting mainly on two-year programs .

  29. 是吉林省高校MBA实习的基地。

    Is Jilin Province university MBA the practice base .

  30. 重症监护室(ICU)的临床实习教学是一项新的教学挑战。

    The clinical internship teaching in intensive care unit is a new challenge .