
dìnɡ zhì fú zhuānɡ
  • Custom made clothing;creation
  1. 去年,她与MAC合作推出了一个化妆品系列,还把上海的一家店变成了半定制服装分店。

    She introduced a cosmetics line in collaboration with MAC last year , and she has branched out into demicouture from a store in Shanghai .

  2. 教授Pine补充道:我们似乎是凭着直觉很迅速的就做出了那些判断。穿定制服装的人被认为是高收入者。

    Professor Pine added : " We seem to make these judgements very instinctively and rapidly . " The man was rated as a higher salary earner when wearing the bespoke suit .

  3. 从批量定制服装的角度,总结了2种样板数字化设计技术:基于二维CAD系统的样板定制技术和三维服装模型的二维展平技术,并分析了2种技术实现方法的原理、特点和应用。

    The paper outlines two routes to digital pattern design for customized garment : pattern design technology of 2-D CAD system and flattening technology based on 3-D garment model , presents their principle , applications , advantages and disadvantages .

  4. fortier也将按照客户要求定制服装。

    Fortier , too , will cater to custom orders .

  5. 是克莱尔·韦特·凯勒(ClareWaightKeller)为纪梵希(Givenchy)设计的高级定制服装,这位英国女士是这家法国传奇品牌的首位女性设计师。

    It was haute couture by Clare Waight Keller for Givenchy , a British woman who was the first female designer of the storied French brand .

  6. 贝当古华贵、外向,曾是一名不知疲倦的社交名媛,她喜欢舞会和宴会派对,以及珠宝和高级定制服装。今年,《福布斯》杂志(Forbes)将她列为世界上最富有的女人,她的净资产达395亿美元。

    Regal , extroverted , a tireless socialite who loved balls and dinner parties , jewels and haute couture , Bettencourt was ranked by Forbes this year as the richest woman in the world , with her net worth put at $ 39.5 billion .

  7. 在我看来,最好的是迪奥和纪梵希(Givenchy)。香奈儿我就不说了,因为它的运作团队最大,有250人为整个高级定制服装工作。

    For me , the best - I won 't talk about Chanel , because they have the biggest operation , with 250 workers for the whole couture - is Dior and Givenchy .

  8. 定制服装号型归档与裁剪方案数字化研究

    Study on the Digitalization of Filing Custom-made Garments ' Types and Cutting Plan

  9. 本论文的题目是《定制服装设计研究》,即从服装设计的角度研究定制服装。

    The Application of The Technology of Apparel MTM in a web-based custom-tailor system ;

  10. 定制服装的设计本质、目的和设计师的基本职责。

    Discuss the aim essence of design and the basic responsibility of the designer .

  11. 李靓,33岁,杭州高级定制服装公司职员

    Li Liang , 33 , staff member at a custom clothing company in Hangzhou

  12. 定制服装设计研究

    The Design Researching of the Custom-made Clothes

  13. 穿定制服装的人被认为是高收入者。

    The man was rated as a higher salary earner when wearing the bespoke suit .

  14. 根据定制服装生产的流程,设计了订单创建→订单批处理的系统架构。

    According to the flow , design the " Create Orders → Orders Batch Process " architecture .

  15. 在如今的定制服装界,最重要的是选择趣味型面料以及讲究细节及纹理,他说。

    Interesting fabrics , detail and texture are the most important elements in tailoring right now , he says .

  16. 所以本论文的着眼点是定制服装的设计过程以及如何更好的满足定制客户的需求。

    So this paper focuses on how to do custom-made clothes better and how to satisfy the client 's requirements .

  17. 京东商城提供40万种产品,包括婚纱礼服、定制服装、中文图书、消费电子以及服装。

    It offers 400,000 products including wedding dresses , tailor-made clothes , Chinese language books , consumer electronics and apparel .

  18. 她嫁给了俄罗斯亿万富翁丹尼尔·哈恰图罗夫(DanilKhachaturov),成为街拍明星,然后开创了一个高级定制服装系列。

    She married the Russian billionaire Danil Khachaturov , became a street style star and then began a haute couture line .

  19. 之前,郑兆良更多地从事商业时装设计,而最近他主要关注定制服装设计业务。

    Cheng used to do more commercial fashion , but of late has focused on tailor-made , or couture , business .

  20. 本论文首先研究定制服装发展过程、现状和未来趋势;

    Main content of the researching ( 1 ) The process of custom-made clothes development , present situation and analysis of future trend .

  21. 有众多的室内购物中心,经营最新型计算机,精品首饰,定制服装,以及欧洲最新潮高级女式时装。

    Indoor shopping centers abound , devoted to state-of-the-art computers , exquisite jewelry , custom tailors and the latest in European haute couture .

  22. 于贝尔?塔凡也曾是一名时尚设计师。今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼也体现了纪梵希经久不衰的吸引力,出演电影《黑豹》的男星查德维克?博斯曼就穿了一件纪梵希品牌的定制服装。

    The enduring appeal of Givenchy was showcased at this year 's Oscars , where Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman wore a custom design .

  23. 但是,坦白跟你说,从工艺水平角度讲,没几个人能做出高质量的定制服装。

    But from me to you , there are very few who have , in terms of craftsmanship , the craftsmanship of high-quality couture .

  24. 詹姆斯说,战争开始了,人们没钱购买高级定制服装,但他们还买得起手袋或手套。

    War was starting and while people had no money to buy couture clothing , Ms. James said , they could afford a handbag or gloves .

  25. 她的设计现在包括日常高级定制服装,本周她在自己的第一场时装秀上展示了这些服装,让到场的人甚是喜爱。

    Her designs now include everyday couture , which she presented this week on her first runway , much to the delight of those in attendance .

  26. 零售商们可以轻而易举地在微信开店,用户们可以在微信上计划家庭出游、打车、甚至足不出户就能定制服装。

    Because retailers can easily set up shop inside WeChat , users can plan family vacations , order a taxi or even design clothes without going anywhere else .

  27. 运动服装、高级定制服装和街头服饰加入大熔炉,融合出来的就是你的衣橱。

    The sports stuff gets put into the melting pot along with the haute stuff and the street stuff , and out comes the stuff of your wardrobe .

  28. 对男人来说,穿定制服装要比穿在服装店里买的高档成品衣要看起来更有个人魅力。

    Among men , wearing made-to-measure bespoke suits were rated as having better personality traits than those wearing good quality off-the-peg suits bought from a major high street retailer .

  29. 克里斯汀也许是为了她在电影中的新角色而纹身,不过她对于这种身体艺术已不陌生。上个月在巴黎高级定制服装展的表演中,她就首次秀出了她的两个新纹身。

    Kristen may be sporting the ink for her new role in the film , though she is no stranger to body art since she recently debuted two new tattoos during a trip overseas for the Paris Haute Couture shows last month .

  30. 同时可为客户来样定制各种服装辅料。

    At the same time , customers can sample a variety of customized garment accessories .