
  • 网络Ender's Game;Enders Game;Ender"s Game;Ender s Game
  1. 根据他的Facebook主页上显示的,他最爱的书是奥森-斯科特-卡德的《安德的游戏》。

    According to his Facebook profile , his favourite book is ' Ender 's Game ' by Orson Scott Card .

  2. 《安德的游戏》奥森斯科特卡德

    Ender 's Game by Orson Scott Card

  3. 如果你想在春节前体验一次逃离地球的冒险,《安德的游戏》无疑是上上之选。

    If you want an out-of-this-world experience before Spring Festival , Ender 's Game is an excellent choice .

  4. 他将于11月主演根据奥森·斯科特·卡德的同名畅销书改编的电影《安德的游戏》。

    He 'll star in Ender 's Game in November based on the best-selling book from author Orson Scott Card .

  5. 但《安德的游戏》这部改编自1985年同名小说的电影却稍有不同。

    But Ender 's Game , which is an adaptation of the 1985 novel of the same title , is a bit different .

  6. 马克·扎克伯格首次在他脸书的个人资料中添加爱好时,把奥森·斯科特·卡德所著的《安德的游戏》列为他最喜欢的书。

    When Mark Zuckerberg first added his likes to his Facebook profile , he put the book Ender 's Game , by Orson Scott Card , as a favorite book .

  7. 他的长篇英雄故事《安德的游戏》同弗兰克·赫伯特的《沙丘》一样是历史上最受欢迎的系列丛书之一,当然在现代还是最受欢迎的。

    The Ender 's Game sagas rate right up there with Dune as one of the most popular series of books of all time , and certainly the most popular of modern times .